My man half asses E V E R Y T H I N G


New member
I’m so sick of his “help” but I’m not going to do it all by myself.
Clothes aren’t on the hangers correctly, he won’t hang up his towel flat, he just bunches it up on the rack so it doesn’t dry then starts to stink. He won’t put dirty clothes in the basket, just next to it. When he vacuums he doesn’t put the cord away he leaves it plugged into the wall.

I’m loosing my mind. We have a 3, 2, and 4 month old. I shouldn’t have to pick up after his half assed messes and them.

Rant over
@jarris I feel you. It’s such a shame we are the primary EVERYTHING. We need someone to take care of us Mamas too!! I’ve broken down to my husband and he’s told me how guilty and terrible he feels that I am so overwhelmed and how he will do better. It lasts a week and it’s back to the same, and it builds up and I break down all over again. He is an amazing husband, and we are so in love. It’s not a deal breaker. But dang, so I wish he would take more initiative and take care of things without me freaking out on him.
@jarris I've given up trying to explain to men what constitutes a job being "done". They put a wash on and claim they've "done" the laundry. They wash the plates, leave them on the sink and don't even touch the bottles, but don't you know they've "done" the dishes? They might mop the floor but the bucket of dirty mop water ain't going anywhere.

Lets just say I decided it was time to leave my ex when I accused him of never doing any housework and the response was...
"I vacummed!"

Oh, really, when did you vaccum?

"about 3 weeks ago?"

Fucking done

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