My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

It was so fu**ed up I was feeling depressed THINKING ABOUT that our younger one was eventually going to be 3yo one year…
@3007 Mine will be 3 in August. He was a rotten little thing yesterday. Constantly telling me “no” when I’d ask him to do something like clean up his toys or take his plate to the sink. He was stealing toys from his older brother just to get a rise out of him. He was so testy. I would never say this to my son, but I definitely told my husband yesterday that the 2 year old is being a total turd!! He is also my empathetic, lovey, affectionate kid so it’s hard to stay frustrated with him. Lol
@3007 3 years and 9 months here and recovering from a tonsil surgery, it’s pretty hard right now. Lots of tears and running away and and and.

There are flashes of the kid she almost is, she is so cute and bright and does do some independent play and managing of her self.

The real turn was potty training.

But, as soon as I say that, ugh. She flops and cries like a 2 year old, she runs away from me in public, she wakes all night long. She doesn’t want meals but snacks, not that snack, uuuugh.
@3007 Girl my daughters turning 5 in September & i swear it got worse 😭😭😭 1 & 2 were piece of cake… 3 was horrible, 4 got a little better but the last month it’s been ROUGH hands down the hardest it’s ever been!
@3007 On top of all the 2.5 yr old bullshit during the day- mine won’t friggin sleep at night. She literally fights sleep. If she feels herself drift off she’ll do something to wake up. Am I dead?
@3007 My daughter will be 3 in September and the past few months have already been increasingly… challenging 🥴 I think it’s all fairly normal behaviour but some days my whole gentle parenting persona just wants to match her toddler rage 😩
@3007 Oh, I hear you! Three-year-olds can be a handful. It's totally normal to feel this way—parenting is a rollercoaster. Hang in there, it definitely gets better!
@3007 Hang in there! I had these exact same thoughts about my oldest. I'll call my mom crying, asking what did I do to him. Once he turned four, it was like a switch was flipped and he was back. Three is when their little bodies really start to feel such big emotions they don't know how to handle yet. It's so hard for both them and us.
@makio9 My husband feels the same . Do you think it would help if I show my husband this thread? He thinks our son is terrible at 2.5 yo. I think it’s just what toddlers do and it’s normal .
@nessofonett05 Nah some are worse than others lol. I have friends with kids who happily sit on laps or watch entire movies. Meanwhile mine is doing backhand springs off my forehead
@3007 I have spirited three-year-old to say the least. Most days I would just call him spicy, but he is paying me back for everything that I think the history of mankind has ever done wrong to their parents because I know I have not wronged my parents this badly to illicit this much punishment from one little person. And on May 18, I just gave birth to my third child. I’ll admit I was terrified as to how he was going to react especially provided the fact that for the past three years it has been him and I, and I have not spent more than maybe five or six days away from him total in his whole life (most of which was just recently when I was in the hospital having the baby.) But I have to admit for as much as he’s tried me over the years and as much of a handful as he has been, he has literally surprised me with the way that he has taken to his younger brother with how different he has been since he’s been born. I thought he was gonna be jealous and maybe a little bit rough with him. He has been extraordinarily helpful. He is always trying to make sure that his brother is OK. And that I have what I need, grabbing diapers, grabbing bottles..he's even tried to change him. It's like I have this whole new person following me around now. Granted yes he has his moments where he busts out and just goes all out f*** you toddler rage, but those moments are much fewer and far between then the scheduled hourly meltdowns of our past. It's hard because I try to make sure he is still getting plenty of my attention because I don't want him getting upset with the baby thinking "this Lil prik is getting in my way" but so far so good.
I also just saw a reel on fb about introducing baby to your other kids and I wish I saved it. She was giving pointers for how to handle the transition for the toddler and the baby into the home. First of which was don't sit the baby on your lap when they meet. Put the baby beside you and let your older child sit on your lap, to them that's their territory and if the baby is taking up their safe space it will cause problems right off the rip. Another was to give superhero helpful jobs to help. Just say it would be awesome if my little Superman can go grab a diaper for mommy or grab the wipes for mommy. Make it a game for them. Another was don’t ever blame the baby for anything. For instance if you’re feeding the baby and your toddler wants to play don’t say hey I can’t play right now, I’m feeding the baby. Instead say "How about we play in 10 minutes?" this way, your toddler does not associate not being able to play with the baby taking up your time building resentment (and I don't care what anyone says they can build resentment, it doesn't matter that they can't pronounce it!), there’s a couple other things on there that were really good too. I just don’t remember them all and I’m sure you could probably search it on Facebook. Honestly I think it would probably go a lot better than you anticipate it will. I would say I got lucky but considering the way, my son is, I don’t think that is the case, he still antagonizes me when he can (almost all the time he sees an opportunity to) but he is showing a kinder more helpful, compassionate, and compliant /obedient(?) (I don’t really want to say either of those because neither of those words really sound great) little boy than I have seen. I am very proud of him, and I don’t know what your situation is, but I will say that I am doing it all on my own. I do not have the father involved and I’m juggling two boys and my teenager while trying to find a way to make a living and it’s not easy, but I can tell you that, if I can do it. I know you can. I know that it’s hard. God I know it’s hard!! but sometimes it’s just best that you take a step back popping your headphones in and have a breather. really what helped me was mindfulness. I had to become more mindful because I was reacting to my son in a very knee-jerk reaction way, which was not the way to go about handling him. now that I’ve taken a step back and I watch every parenting video I can possibly find on how to handle a spicy toddler and I try my hardest to put all of their suggestions to use. My relationship with him has gotten so much better and while he is still Mr. independent, I pick and choose my battles. not everyone in my household understands that. I’m currently living with my mom, but she also comes from a different time and a different place and it’s not the 80s raising a child anymore. I wish that my son was as compliant as I was to my mother. I also don’t want to go the path she went to get there. (I still won't f
CK with that woman)