My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

@shmat This is the thing no one told me and I was not prepared for. The 2s I expected since everyone talks about them but they were still able to be parented. Why didn't anyone talk about the 3s? Why didn't they??!!!?
@crypticarts Yes! It's one of the reasons we had another one quickly (ours are 2 years apart.) I knew once we hit the twos, we would second guess having more. I had no idea that once we hit the threenager phase we would want to run screaming for the hills. Having another younger one has made this stage so much harder, but I'm also glad we added to the family then because I don't think my husband would sign on for another one now :)
@3007 Sitting as my toddler wails because he wants to pick out a book,..... And won't go pick up a book. But he wants to pick a book. But he won't pick one. But he WANTS TO!!!
@jeminem1802 This speaks to me. I’ve never been screamed at more in my life for something my toddler (does… doesnt… does…want). And the classic “I DO IT!!”; steadily aghast for hours on end lol
@3007 This spoke to my SOUL. My sons newest one is yelling over and over he wants to take his own shirt off…. But then doesnt do it 😳. Its so annoying
@3007 Oh, of all the replies here that “I DO IT!!” Hit way too close to home for me lol. Like Jesus Christ, do it then. Just fucking do it.
@jeminem1802 It’s almost midnight and my daughter just had a breakdown for this very reason…except with her bedroom door. She wakes up in the middle of the night and I’m not beside her…she freaks out, I finally get her to calm down but OMFG the door is ajar…she freaks out again…I go to close it but noooo she wants to close it…yet doesn’t want to at the same time. Went back and forth with this charade longer than I’d like to admit 🫠
@3007 Our twins are 5 but I still lurk in this sub. Apologies for the tidings but I’ve cried 4/7 of the days in the last week. But in all fairness, 3-4 were worse. So I got that going for me.
@maredaydivine I feel like it's that transitionary period when they learn to potty train, dress themselves, start to speak and comprehend everything... it's a fast or a drawn out transition, each kid goes at it differently. I swear it was once we started potty training our son started popping off at us occasionally. Before that he was our little yes man.

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