My husband offered me an out yesterday

@pkhaney Some people just cant adjust to nights, my husband sometimes has to work nights and i dread it because he is SO grumpy and moody. We have a 12 yr old and a 2 yr old. Its rough -- therapy will be good.
@pkhaney To me it really sounds like he might need to find a different job. I’ve been stuck in one that wasn’t right for me before, and I almost lost myself completely to it. Luckily, I woke up one day and realized that quitting without knowing another option yet was actually the best, safest choice for me and everyone around me. My financial state is still rocky years later, but at least I’m alive and my family still has me. By “giving you an out” and letting you go back closer to family, I don’t know… it seems like a warning sign to me. And almost everything he said seems to point back to work stress. It’s good he’s doing therapy. I recently read an article about men getting PPD, so maybe look into that. There’s also a chance of PTSD in that line of work.