My Biggest Pregnancy Accomplishment: Third Trimester Half Marathon (X-Post r/babybumps)


New member

So thrilled about this and just wanted to share a happy pregnant moment!
I'm still SHOCKED my body let me do this, but back in February when I found out I was pregnant I decided to try and run a half marathon in every trimester. I'm a newer runner (18 months at that point, so wasn't super confident) But I did it! I was sidelined by a bit of pelvic pain around week 22-24 but luckily it subsided and I could run pain-free again. The best part is I got to run the whole thing, it was my fastest pregnant half (2 hours) and I felt amazing the whole time. I haven't loved (or liked at all) being pregnant, but this was a GREAT day in pregnancy land! Hoping to run right up to delivery (but taking it day by day).
@lee2017 God, I'm jealous. I had to stop at 20 weeks due to round ligament pain, and always needing to pee! I had a registration for a half when I would have been 32 weeks, and a 25k leg of a relay the following week. I was so bummed to have had to give them up.

It looks like you used k-tape, was that for RLP? And it helped?! Maybe I will try that next time.

Good work, lady!
@abbie333 I had some pretty terrible pelvic pain for a few weeks, which might have been RLP-not really sure! k-tape does help just alleviate some of the pressure-both in terms of pelvic pressure and the need to pee. Mostly just feels more supported!
@lee2017 Yeah, the need to pee SUCKED. I'm definitley going to keep this in mind for the future. I support belt did NOTHING for me other than chafe.
@lee2017 This makes me very excited, because I have one coming up in 4 weeks (I'll be 32 weeks), and am hopeful I'll feel as good as I still do so far! I was marathon training before the pregnancy, and cut my mileage down from 50 to 30/wk in the beginning (per my doctor--for IVF), and I've really been missing training for a specific race. My OB/GYN cleared me for this upcoming one back in June, and I was worried I'd have to run/walk, but so far I am still running (just slower), and it's encouraging to know I'm not the only one!

Congrats! Hope you're able to run right up to delivery as planned!
@withby That's so great! It's been super helpful to me to read/hear stories of women running distance well into their pregnancies. I also had a friend who ran a marathon at 24 weeks and ran the day she gave birth! I know it's not super common, but it certainly does happen! Your milage sounds like mine. I was running 45-60 before getting pregnant and have been averaging 20-30 throughout. I did taper more than I would normally for the half and I think that helped a lot. I hope you have a great race! :)