Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

@jesusorhell It's much safer on a private sub. There are several private trans subs for posting pics that hopefully won't be found. Facebook is similar b/c you control who sees it (friends) unless it's a group. Then a private group is like a private sub and a public group is like a public sub. Even then, if you put a photo on Facebook, Facebook's TOS says they own it forever and can do with it what they please.

But all that aside, you're just one data breach away from that stuff being leaked. Or one of your friends gets a computer virus that downloads stuff.
@kalynnken So it's not about my daughter, but I had something similar with a photo of my ex husband, and it really brought home how pictures can be used on the Internet.

Basically I was doing an art project and took some photos of my ex husband, with no shirt on, doing poses with a polearm so I could get the musculature right. I uploaded said pictures to an art site back in 2005ish. Didn't think anything of it when my marriage ended a few years later, partially down to some escalating mental health issues on his part.

Well, thanks to sites such as Failblog, Facebook pages and recently more Reddit, one of those pictures has been repeatedly used in articles/posts about "Internet tough guys" and "mall ninjas", basically making fun of him. I had forgotten the photos even existed, let alone my art page, so the first time it happened in about 2017 I was horrified. I nuked the art account, but the pic is still out there, dredged up every so often, and every time I see it I wonder if my ex will also see it and if he'll go off the deep end. It wasn't even him trying to look tough, or like a ninja, is was a pose reference, but nope, used totally out of context in a really mean way.

So yeah, be careful with your kids pictures, because things aren't all wine and roses on the Internet, and once somethings out there, who knows what will happen to it.
@kalynnken I never understood people posting their kids all over social media. The world is filled of disgusting sick people best to shield your child away from that and keep them out of the grasps of pedophiles/people trying to use your pictures.
@haroldgreen I understand it. We all want to share in our joys. We all want to brag a little if we think the child did something good b/c it reflects well on us. My wife and I make an exception for social media uploads about 3x a year b/c we want friends and family to be able to see but I'm hella conflicted each time.
@kalynnken Preeaaach! No photos posted on any social media for this and many other reasons. Most people I don't talk to on a regular basis wouldn't even know I have a partner, let alone a child. I intend to keep it that way.
@kanga123 May not have been active today. Modding is hard. I accidentally became head mod of a fairly active sub and it's a pain and I keep telling myself I'll find someone else to but never get around to it.
@kalynnken We post very few photos of our LO (even on FB and IG) for the same reason.

If most of your friends and family use Apple products, I recommend iCloud Photo Sharing. You have complete control over who is invited to view the album and everyone can comment on the videos/pic like SM. We post like crazy there and only have two or three pics on SM.
@whartonry That one I'm less upset about since the subject of the photo is more the mother and it's her right to post it there. Like it's still not great when there's a child in it but a lot of times you can't see the kid's face.