My 9.5 yo daughter used my laptop & didn’t know I could see her google search on my phone

@gogoaa I would have the talk about internet safety/appropriateness now. Before an incident. Tonight I overheard my 9 and 7yo say something they thought I wouldn't understand about "rule 34". If you don't know. Rule 34 is a thing from an old post on 4chan(I believe) called "rules of the internet". Rule 34: If it exists, porn has been or will be made about it. So yeah. We had a whole talk.
@gogoaa My son just told me that his best friends little sister (she’s 9) and her friend (both female) like to kiss when they have play dates. He was like “so yeah….so and so’s sister is a lesbian.” He said it so matter of fact and casually it was like he was asking me to pass the milk. So yeah….kids today learn stuff and experiment so early. Definitely have that talk!
@knowledgeableindividual That’s probably about how old my kid was when he started searching “bikinis.” We talked about how it’s normal to be curious, but also talked about objectifying women. Unfortunately this was a talk we ended up having frequently. I wish I could say that all the open conversations were helpful to him, but he was really bad about looking at pr0n and having his computer attacked by viruses.
@mrlutrinae I don’t think he looks at that anymore. Or if he does he’s learned how to be discrete and not get viruses. But now he’s probably too busy working and raising a toddler to look at that.
@knowledgeableindividual You handled everything well. I had to look it up myself, but all is good. I love posts like these where you don't know you are doing well. Keep it up. And I like butts too (men butts). My pre-teen child is still deciding his own path.
@jonny01 I don't think op was using any actual parental controls in this story. If you sync your browsers it should be fairly easy to see this. I have chrome on my laptop and phone and as long as I'm logged into Gmail on both it will sync my search history and it gives me an option to open all the current tabs on the other device.
@knowledgeableindividual This is adorable to the core and gives me the fuzzies. I remember back when I was 8 years old and got curious with the same stuff. I got reprimanded by my mother and threatened to tell my father.

Now I tend to feel shame whenever I do it. I feel like I'm doing something sinful, and I'm coming to terms with it. This post really warms me. Your daughter is absolutely fortunate to have a parent like you.

And GODDAMN. I love Miraculous Ladybug too! It's my guilty pleasure. Tell your daughter she's got great taste. :p
@knowledgeableindividual Oh lord, next she’ll discover fanfic websites. Lol, the butts thing is kinda precious though. Good on you for not shaming her about that stuff and that was a really smart way to bring to topic about. I wouldn’t have thought of that.