My 9.5 yo daughter used my laptop & didn’t know I could see her google search on my phone

@knowledgeableindividual “and mama, i saw some i rlly liked!” LOL. u seem to have a great, open and safe relationship with ur daughter. shes going to have some curiosities and attractions, and most parents shame their kids for it. good on u for making her feel comfortable in her sexuality.
@knowledgeableindividual My granddaughter (10) likes to tell me all kinds of things ! And ask alot of questions.. I was getting ready for work when she was here and I was putting on my back brace, she asked me if that was the thing that makes your waist smaller ?? I sd I wish lol.
@knowledgeableindividual I have daughters and know full well of Ladybug and Cat Noir too! Being curious is absolutely normal for kids and your daughter looked it up in the most benign way. This is seriously cute!

And I'm envious because I don't think my daughters would feel anything but embarrassed, much less tell me they liked some butts lol
@knowledgeableindividual That’s so great she can feel comfortable with you about this. I remember being young and curious with the internet. I found pictures of some emo boys kissing eachother and some emo girls kissing eachother & I saved them to a file on my profile. I didn’t do anything with them it just fascinated me & I went to the computer later to find my family deleted them & never spoke to me about it. Made me feel horrible!
@knowledgeableindividual I have yet to have that talk with my 9yr old. Although she says she isn't into boys and all that, so I'm not sure if I should be proud orrr.... I was expecting it sometime soon though, as I heard from a mom friend that my kid tried to kiss her youngest kid(she would have been 8 and he 10). So there's that lol
@gogoaa We’ve sort of had an ongoing age appropriate conversation around all of this stuff her whole life, but it’s always been very theoretical. About two weeks ago she started getting B.O. and has a breast bud on one side. I think hormones entering the picture changed everything, lol.
@knowledgeableindividual Mines had B.O. for a little while now, maybe about a year. But we've done the same, theoretical stuff all her life. When my fiancé and I started dating, she said she wanted to marry him when I die. I mean that was hilarious but I sternly told her she can't marry her step-dad! LOL