My 9.5 yo daughter used my laptop & didn’t know I could see her google search on my phone

@knowledgeableindividual this is adorable. you handled things beautifully, btw.

gotta love being a mom of a pre-tween! i'm right there behind ya, with one that just turned 9 and is growing up far too quickly for my liking. they're so rude, doing that!
@knowledgeableindividual That Ladybug character is so sexualized by weird creeps.

My son was watching something on Youtube Kids and some fan made video came up of Ladybug going to the bathroom and making peeing and farting sounds. It wasn't like funny farting, it was kink/fetish type of farting.

Youtube Kids has some fucked up shit.
@knowledgeableindividual Get a Filter for your internet.

Edit: horrible advice here from people advising no filter. Shocking lack of care regarding a child’s developing brain. Unless one is a pedophile groomer, there is nothing positive about a 9.5 y/o stumbling across porn. And they will stumble across porn. This can result in addictive behavior, perverse understanding of sex and love, not to mention other horrible dangers.

Go checkout nofap for some horrifying stories of what could happen and the dangers of dopamine addiction. You can filter at the router level too so no vpn will be ineffective.
@helpme15 Pointless, every modern teenager knows how a vpn works anyway.

Building good communication with the kid will at least mean that they'll talk to you about the weird shit they inevitably find.
@blubberflub That is so stupid and untrue. This is a 9.5 y/o btw. You can also filter at the router level so vpn does nothing. Many kids stumble upon porn. Or find wayyy more than the bargained for when searching for something innocent like “butt”. It should be considered abuse to allow young children unfiltered access to the internet. And you are a clearly a child.
@helpme15 Ok so to address your arguments here.

1 I've worked with teenagers in education they all understand how search filtering works and how to circumvent it. Hell I did it myself in school

2 The router doesn't filter anything if you use mobile data

3 yes they will find more than they bargained for sooner or later, It is sad but inevitable.

4 I'm 28, which is irrelevant as children would actually some of be the best people to ask about how children behave online.
  1. This isnt a teen. It is a 9.5 y/o.
  2. Data access can be controlled. Apple iphone has parental control.
  3. Many horrible things are inevitable. That doesnt mean we dont work to protect our children.
  4. So have children raise children? Your morality shouldnt be formed by children.
@helpme15 We all want to protect kids, our own and others but trying to do it by keeping kids uninformed is doomed to failure. Because even if worked there's going to be access to the same thing through peers anyway.

I'm not saying we shouldn't monitor what kids are accessing but relying on parental controls causes complacency. I'd rather focus on having open and honest communication with my son as he grows.

And I didn't say we should let kids raise kids just that we should listen to kids rather than dismissing them just because they are young.

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