My 9.5 yo daughter used my laptop & didn’t know I could see her google search on my phone

@sharone I agree that the internet has been hugely helpful here. I have been able to find resources, advice and even communities of like-minded people to inform my parenting, and help me process my own trauma.

If I had been stuck with the people literally in my family and local community, I would have been far worse off. I know way too many people that parent based on how they were raised because "I turned out fine" (even though they really didn't). Even with all the access to info people have today many don't take advantage, instead sticking with the status quo because it's "easier". See, for instance, parents that still spank their kids.

My mom's efforts to break the cycle also helped. Even though she messed up in many ways, her efforts told me it was possible to at least try. I reflected a lot on my childhood before having a child, and invested time into figuring out other options. I tell my daughter that while I'm trying my absolute best, I won't always get it right. And that when she's a mom my hope is that she'll be able to build on my efforts (and my mom's) and be an amazing parent to her own kids. Progress, not perfection, is what breaks these cycles.
@knowledgeableindividual My 8 year old loves ladybug and cat noir! I absolutely love how she’s not embarrassed to share with you what she was doing! I am trying so hard to get to that level with my kids. I sometimes feel they don’t tell me things and it makes me feel helpless
@teenagekiddo That’s why I had to oh so casually “discover” it so we could talk about it. I’m sure she would never have brought it up on her own, she was definitely embarrassed until I made a joke about what I used to do at her age and then she let her freak flag fly, lol. I’m sure you’ll have moments that pop up where you can have these kinds of conversations too, I definitely wasn’t expecting it today!
@knowledgeableindividual We had to get stitches out of my sons head and my soon to be eight year old daughter saw lady stirrups for the first time. Lol had to have that conversation we did pretty well I think she was a lil horrified but informed.
@sidelined Not gonna lie as a mom of toddlers we watch that show and they get annoyed I always pick it. But it’s a thoroughly entertaining show and I highly recommend whether you have kids or not!!
@knowledgeableindividual I completely know how you feel. I had a random conversation with my 13 yr old about ball hair. We started with underarm hair, and I mentioned that if the amount or length is too much, that he could just trim, and not be hairless (you know- cuz real mean have hair 🙄). I was like you could use scissors or the trimmers with one of the guards, and to just let me know and I'll show you how or do it for you... Whichever. Then I said, with the same tone, that's also true for pubic hair.... It can be trimmed down. He told me "I know, I use the scissors to trim down my ball hair... Its was too much".

It was like talking about chores... Simply no big deal. I was proud, cuz I'm mom and teens get all weird about opposite gender stuff. Like when he asked about a soap, and I told him it was for my vagina.... And it was immediately 😕😒🙄 "yuck.... Why'd you even answer me."