Mom shamed for formula feeding

@mikailao20 Ignore her...She's awful. Who the hell says such shit? My 1st is formula fed. I tried very hard to breastfeed him...I just couldn't. So, put him on formula. He was hitting all his milestones early. He very smart now at the age of 3...He's been sick twice...He's never had any issues. He's totally thriving. So she can take her bs and shovw it where the sun don't shine.

You are doing a wonderful job. ❤️
@mikailao20 Don’t you for a second feel bad or guilty. My wife had a breast reduction years before we had our LO, and no milk was available so we had to feed with formula. Anyone who feels the need to shame about this is way out of line.
@mikailao20 I remember when I told my husband I was going to have to switch to exclusively formula feeding but I felt guilty and he pointed out the people in his family who were exclusively breastfed and how they weren’t the brightest to this day in their 20’s… it’s different for everyone but basically breast milk isn’t the only way to a “smarter” kid. Also my husband was exclusively formula fed and is very smart and it’s rare he gets sick! 😌
@mikailao20 So sorry someone said this, how horrible! My girl has been FF since 6 weeks and has only been sick once! Hubs has had covid and flu and she’s escaped both! I hate when people say BF babies get sick less. I find that babies in daycare, or babies around other children often are more sick because they’re exposed to way more germs- regardless of what they’re fed! So good for her if she feels her kid will be the next Nobel prize winner bc I’m pretty sure he/she won’t. Im sure she sleeps soOOoOo well at night giving her unsolicited opinions. If you want scientific research backup, head over to r/sciencebasedparenting and read through all the posts. It’s super hard to actually prove like others have said. And- screw her :)
@mikailao20 I think she just prejudged you without hearing your story. I’m sorry that happened to you. And any amount of milk you make for your baby is beneficial. Your worth as a mom isn’t defined by the # of ounces your produce ❤️❤️❤️
@mikailao20 My 5 month old is EFF, he maybe latched to breast 4 times in his life? He is in 99th percentile, starting to crawl, has been sick one time because I had covid and is honestly already so so smart and extremely sweet and perfect lol. Fuck people man. Remind yourself that everybody will have opinions and when it comes to YOUR child, your and your husbands opinions are the only ones that matter.
@mikailao20 What a bitch. I have this theory that the people who are insane about breastfeeding like this are jealous because they hate breastfeeding but are forcing themselves to do for whatever reason. Therefore they try to make themselves feel better by putting down formula feeders. Most secure people don’t comment on other people’s choices like that. I can also tell you after comparing my strictly formula fed child, to friends’ breastfed babies, breastfeeding absolutely does not make them smarter or healthier. At least not from my personal experience.
@mikailao20 My son was pretty much exclusively formula fed after his first month due to my terrible PPD and the fact he wouldn’t nurse no matter what I did. He’s now four and probably the smartest and sweetest boy I know. So anyone who says formula fed babies aren’t as smart or healthy can suck my metaphorical nuts.
@mikailao20 I think we can all agree with this "knowledge " she posseses no amount of breastnilk will counter stupid.

Don't stress about formula feeding. Enjoy time with your kid whether it's a boob or a bottle.

They all end up eating from the floor eventually
@mikailao20 Reading research on it helped me. Emily Oster talks about this in her book expecting better. The high IQ, less sickness stats have more to do with socioeconomic status and less with actual breastfeeding.
@mikailao20 I’m so sorry. Her comments are so uncalled for and not even supported by evidence. Any amount of better-ness contained in breast milk is just a blip on the radar compared to the zillion other factors that contribute to a baby’s health and intelligence. Socioeconomic status, for example, predicts more than the type of milk ever would. I felt so guilty when we went EFF. Then my husband learned that he was EFF. He got a 36 on his ACT and is one of the smartest people I know. The benefits of breast milk couldn’t replace having parents that took good care of him and read to him. You can’t tell the difference between a formula-fed kid and a breast milk-fed kid. You know what you can tell? Which kids get read to. Which kids have caring parents. Which kids are in safe homes. You are providing what your baby needs!!!

EDITED for clarity.
@mikailao20 Well I want to yeet this woman into the sun, what a horrid thing to say, I’m so sorry you got Mum shamed for formula feeding. Fed is best, and I get really annoyed when people use some of the “research” around the benefits of breastfeeding. At the end of the day if a baby is thriving and happy and mum is thriving and happy shouldn’t that be it, end of the discussion?

One of the best pieces of advice given to me is that breastfeeding is nice but never necessary. Emily Oster in Cribsheet looks at the research done on the benefits of breastfeeding. The problem is in a lot of research on breastfeeding is no one takes into account that those able to breastfeed are also better educated, have more resources and are able to take more time off. Kids who have home and food security are probably going to do better than kids who don’t regardless of breastfeeding.

In observational studies where one sibling was breastfed and the other wasn’t showed little impact. Another study showed breastfeeding reduced eczema and asthma in the short term but it was nominal, and follow up studies were mixed on this.
@mikailao20 My oldest two kids were formula fed and they are smart. I don’t know where she got her information from but it’s wrong and not proven. I know breastfed babies that were sicker than mine.