Mom shamed for formula feeding

@mikailao20 Someone has already addressed the flawed research behind the IQ claim, but I’d also like to add that many of the studies on formula fed babies being significantly sicker are questionable too. I don’t know where you’re located OP, but if you’re in a place with clean drinking water, ample access to formula, and sanitary storage conditions for formula and bottles, that already eliminates a huge source of the illnesses associated with formula feeding. Many of the studies on formula fed babies being sicker (particularly with GI illnesses) are done in countries where the study participants do not always have the ability to safely formula feed. A baby who is being fed watered down formula made with unclean water and no refrigeration is going to be notably sicker than a breastfeed baby. That does not necessarily translate to every instance of formula feeding, and I hate how the lactivist crowd always skews that narrative so heavily, then people like your husband’s friend take that out of context and run with it.
@mikailao20 As a mom, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I see people feeling shamed for these decisions quite often. At some point you have to just not give a damn. You’re doing what’s right for you. Their judgement is their own problem. Fuck them. *shrug
@mikailao20 I'm surprised how many lactivists are L&D nurses. It feels like they are dangerous to keep around women in the most vulnerable time of their lives, ready to shame us and trigger PPD over "liquid-gold," claims with no serious research to back them up.
@grace2thehumble She studied nursing years ago but never landed a nursing position and was working retail last 10 years until the pandemic hit and they were hiring nurses like crazy. I'm nervous for moms when she returns to the L&D department.
@mikailao20 I’d have said I didn’t let my baby starve to death.

I would have totally been interested to see where the studies are, that say formula fed babies are more sick and aren’t as smart.

I’m sure people who shame others for things like this are damn miserable in themselves.
@mikailao20 The nerve of some people. Makes me wonder if she decided to ask all of the doctors she worked with if they were breastfed 🙄. As a nurse- she should know better.
@mikailao20 Please read this study (or at least the abstract):

In sibling studies there are NO statistically significant differences in health outcomes between breastfed and formula fed babies.

Studies citing the advantages of breastfeeding suffer from selection bias across socioeconomic divides.

Formula is GOOD for your baby. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. And go ahead and drop the pumping too, you can save yourself some work and spend more time with your baby.

All the best mama keep up all the great work you’re doing 🙌
@mikailao20 Ugh. I’m probably no help because I have no patience for this shit. If anyone ever tried to make me feel bad about it my answer would be sarcastic and mean. This lady can shove it.
@mikailao20 I know it can be really difficult. I was unable to breastfeed and had a lot of formula guilt BUT my baby would have starved. In terms of the research regarding IQ. There are some studies which found a slight increase (which in terms of psychometric assessment of intelligence make no meaningful difference anyway) BUT many studies have been criticised because they don’t control for other variables such as maternal intelligence, socioeconomic status, family dynamics etc. Some people suggest that those who are able to breastfeed often come from environments which are conducive to cognitive development. For example, a parent who is able to be a stay-at-home parent and breastfeed for an extended periods of time is more likely to be able to spend time with their child and provide additional stimulation, rather than having to rush back to work in order to support their family.

Another suggested factor for the slight IQ difference may be the increased fatty acids in breast milk. However, formula companies have started to increase fatty acids in formula.

There are so many determinants of IQ including prenatal care, parent-child relationship, parental IQ, parental education etc etc.

Your precious baby needs a full belly and lots of love from mom and dad. And that’s exactly what you’re doing 💜
@evangelistmusgrove I agree. A lot of that research isn't great because you can't separate people into a "you have to formula feed" and "you have to breastfeed" categories because it is unethical if you think one may be better than the other. That means people are sorted by their personal choices, which, as you mentioned, means a certain demographic of people with certain backgrounds do tend to end up in each category. That really messes up the results.

Anecdotally, I was formula fed, so were my parents/siblings, and so was my husband. Collectively, we have a lot of free college tuition among us from academic scholarships, so I think intelligence tends to be very genetic and can be supplemented with how you raise them. The IQ thing is such an overused scare tactic...
@mikailao20 I breast fed because my body let me. But I would have had no guilt switching to formula. I was raised on formula and so are literally thousands of other kids.

Remind yourself you are feeding your baby and that is what matters. I found that a majority of the nurses in my L&D unit were know it alls who had no clue how wrong and backward the info they were giving me was. A lot of people learn things once and then assume the rules never change and there isn’t new info out there. I feel bad for the women she probably made feel terrible right after giving birth because they chose to use formula instead of breast milk.
@mikailao20 Don't think much of it now either. I promise she is *full of shit.* Formula is every bit as good as Breastmilk, and the only benefits that have stood up scientifically are either for premies, statistically so small as to be silly (one less earn infection or cold per 10 babies breastfed) or gone entierly by kindergarten.