Made a PB&J, cut it into quarters, then realized…


New member
“This sandwich isn’t for my toddler - it’s for me.”

Dads, what do you now do for yourselves the way you do it for your kids (accidentally or on purpose)?
@confusedfl22 My daughter will only eat plain pasta. The second you add sauce to it? She goes crazy and starts screaming and crying.

I keep making myself pasta without sauce, or anything. Just plain pasta. I am denying myself the simplest of luxuries.
@hieronymus This brings back memories - both of eating plain pasta when I was a kid because I didn’t like sauce until I was like 9, and of making plain pasta in college because I couldn’t be bothered to make sauce at 10 PM.

So thanks for that.
@yaaqob Ramen noodles blew my fucking mind two separate times in my life.

To preface - for a very long time I had only ever really seen them as the dry square bricks in a thin plastic wrapper with the powdered broth pack, so to make it you either got a pot, filled it with water, put it on the stove, put the powder in it bring it to a boil, cook the noodles for a few mins...and then transfer it out of the pot...Or you go a microwave safe bowl, put the brick in there, filled it with water and the broth pack and microwaved it for a few issue with this, is your standard kitchen bowl from the set you get with your plates doesnt really fit this nicely at all and there will be some of your noodles sticking out...its just tedious...but I digress.

Anyways; The first time was when I saw someone else eat it, and they didnt pour out the water. I'd always dump the water out and eat the noodles, my parents would serve me it in a bowl without any water before I could make it on my own too...

The second time was when I found out that the "normal" way to eat them is to have a whole lot more stuff in it.
@lastofall Ha.. one of my hs gf's introduced me to dry ramen which i ended up eating daily until college where i discovered the joy of ramen soup which i then ate on days i didn't eat pizza.. it's amazing i'm not dead from my younger selfs diet.
@hieronymus I've always done pasta with sauce. Never occured to me to do something like add butter and a couple spices until I did it for my kid cause he didn't want the sauce. Tried it and was like damn this is good.
@hieronymus Just yesterday we had a big spaghetti dinner and my wife made delicious sauce from scratch.

Everyone was on about how good it was, and our 3yo eating his plain noodles with butter and pepper says “yeah good job mommy this is delicious!”

She didn’t care about anybody else’s feedback for the sauce she spent all day making. She was stoked that she made “good noodles” with a bit of butter and pepper for our son.
@hieronymus Yeah...theres a lot of things I dont eat much of anymore because my kid doesnt eat it and its value is not worth the effort and/or costs to me.

I dont literally track this, but I just vaguely chalk it up to "general savings" when I stop buying pasta sauce(to use your example) for home and so when I decide to go out to a restaurant I'm less restrictive to myself on getting something that I maybe I get the super fancy pasta dish that I wouldnt be able to even make at home either...

And then if my kid wants a bite to try it...sauce and all, they can...and if they start liking sauce after that...then I can start buying it for use at home from that point forward

For an actual personal example...I pretty much gave up steak at home, its actually pretty much just chicken nuggets for meat in my home for now...So when I go out to a restaurant that has a decent steak menu, I don't feel bad getting the fillet mignon or other expensive cut, because I've had "enough" nights at home eating $2 worth of chicky-nugs with my kid versus a $5 steak that I'm still probably financially ahead while getting to enjoy a nicer cut of meat, prepared way better than I ever could in my home...just less often (and only for now)
@lefteris I have a kid in college and I still have the soundtrack to Frozen on the media player in my car. Too lazy to take the card out and delete it. But some days it's a toss up to needing Ozzy or "Let It Go" to make the day better and destress.
@confusedfl22 Not quite the same thing but the first time I went grocery shopping after we had our first, I was waiting in the checkout line rocking back and forth with my daughter in my arm..only I forgot that it was a bag of potatoes and that the baby was at home.

On topic, I quarter any long vegetables when I snack and never arrange them in a pile on my plate. Must always be flat.

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