Just a gentle reminder…

@katrina2017 This. I don’t understand the need for people to post these pictures. Great, you can BF, do you want a medal? Keep it for yourself. I took a few photos for myself but even then made sure my boob wasn’t super obvious and hanging out cause you never know something might happen and that wrong person gets ahold of your phone or the photos.
@thiago I will probably get judged for this but that's precisely why I'm thinking about getting a breastmilk necklace made for mothers day for myself. Ik it sounds weird, and I definitely judged the whole breastmilk jewelry trend before I put in the long hours and the hard work to make EBF work.
@downdraft The identity theft thing is part of why we waited almost a week to announce our son’s birth and gave a vague timeline. People post DOB, full name and the hospital the baby was born. I probably can’t protect that info forever but I do what I can
@downdraft To preface, I don’t post pictures of my kids online. But a friend had their kid land a print model gig for a popular kids brand and I thought that was fun, and don’t see any issue with that. I’m trying to figure out though why I don’t have any issue with that but I still wouldn’t post any pictures of my kids.
@billfojesus Im all for making an informed decision, but that goes for everything in life. As long as someone is making a decision based on the risk vs. benefit, that’s totally fine. I just think in a lot of cases, people either don’t know or are naive of the risks involved in their choices or behaviors, and therein lies the problem.
@downdraft My thinking is that because babies are androgynous and generally all look the same that we disconnect their identities when we see babies in ads and commercials. Like all babies look the same to me. But I'm trying my best to keep pictures of my kid offline because I can't make that same disconnect with my kid.
@downdraft So a lot of moms post pictures of themselves BFing their LOs over at r/breastfeeding. Like, beautiful pictures.

I posted a picture of my face, 1:30 am, bags under my eyes, sweaty face, greasy hair, with my LO’s hand dragging my cheek down, in turn pulling down my lower eyelid. It was a disgusting looking picture but something a lot of women related to. Over 1000 upvotes.

All you could see was my face and my LO’s hand but I still got DMs from men telling me they liked my picture. Creepy asf. I’ve since hidden the post and will absolutely never post photos of us again. It was an excellent thread, spurred so much conversation and support but a couple of creeps ruined that.
@by_christ Seriously, it was a neck-up headshot of me at my worst with a little hand dragging my face down and these guys with zero karma messaged me about it.

I posted it because I thought it would brighten someone’s day and I think it did, and it resonated with a lot of people too.

I also posted it knowing the mods there have warned about the pictures you post but I thought ‘this is so gross, we’ll be okay!’ and I was proven wrong.
@sawer1984 That sucks :( I remember your post too and it was nice to not feel so alone! I wish we could share more photos like that but I cannot handle creepy messages
@rocky24 The responses I got from everyone in the thread were great but the responses I got from creeps in my DMs were not! It sucks cause I don’t have much of a BFing support system. I personally don’t know anyone who has successfully BF and reddit has been a wealth of knowledge and support for me