Just a gentle reminder…

@downdraft My local school district recently posted a photo of a 4th grader on their Facebook page for an accomplishment. The post had a full body picture of the student, her full name, grade, and class (teacher name). How did I see it? The district page is public, and someone shared it with our county "chatter" group. I was speechless. It's one thing to share the info you want as a parent or for a school to post promotional photos of large groups of kids (I know parents often have to sign waivers for that). I just thought it was crazy for that much idenifying info to be public. I could walk into that school and easily find that kid. It was just so crazy to me that they would be so reckless as a school that teaches about safety and should be modeling good internet/social media presence.
@zeezaa1 I think they might have asked the parent to comsent to that. A lot of parents don't care or don't know the risks. Regardless of what parents agree or not, the school should know better than doing something that poses a danger to the kid.
@downdraft I never felt comfortable sharing pictures of them even though the urge to show my pride and joy is real. I just don't feel right sharing pictures of my kids when they are too young to consent to it. To me, it is a matter of respect
@downdraft This is why I appreciate how baby bumps and beyond the bump ban baby photos. They are the top 1% of reddit communities with new members every day. Just don't put your kids out there. I get that they're babies and no one is gonna recognize them as adults but like, privacy. Yours and theirs.
@downdraft I made it a point to never post publicly any photos of my kids. It’s sad, but I always felt it was a choice they should make for themselves when they were old enough to understand that uploading can’t be undone.

Good post.
@downdraft My wife was on TikTok the other day and there was a mom doing a video about her kids nicknames and how she came up with them, along with pictures! Really how brain dead can you be?
@downdraft Children don't belong on the internet. Period. Don't get me started on parents that allow their kids to post on YouTube and tiktok...or monetize them themselves.

I'm always shocked to see someone has posted their baby on reddit...reddit.

Come on people.
@helol69 I don’t have TikTok, but the snark pages for these “momfluencers” absolutely drag them for using their kids for views and not blurring their faces, and rightfully so.
@downdraft I deleted tiktok like a year.5 ago, it was toxic to my mental health. Nothing a parent does for views while attracting the wrong crowd shocks me anymore. It can be sickening.