Just a gentle reminder…

@sawer1984 Same here - even my pediatrician is against me breastfeeding ( which is a while other story, ugh ). Wish reddit had some magical way to get rid of the creeps or non-moms. I even had weird experiences from creepy photographers when it came to maternity photos and them pushing coming alone and only naked shots. I'm in Chicago, what's up with these people?!
@obarion I’m sorry you don’t even have the support of your pediatrician! I can’t see why they would be against that unless there was a medication you were on that would interfere or baby had an allergy or was a super low weight and they recommended supplementing.

And that’s effing weird about the pregnancy photos. We are super rural here and the photographer we used for our newborn / family pictures was actually a girl I went to school with and already knew personally. I can’t believe someone even had the cojones to even suggest that to you!
@sawer1984 I posted a question, no picture, in the breastfeeding subreddit and got a bunch of disgusting messages from creeps (and only one helpful response from another mom). It has really bothered me and now I can’t feed my baby without thinking about the disgusting stuff those creeps messaged me
@notly1988 I’m so sorry that happened to you! It’s disgusting that they did that and so sickening that what they said has become in between you and your LOs BFing relationship. I do answer questions in there every day, but have only posted a few myself. And now I think that sub is going to get a bit less engagement from me. Which sucks, because it’s basically the only resource I have
@downdraft You never know what your public photos are going to be used for. You can never trust a corporation to keep your photos private. Policies change, owners change, assets get bought and sold. YOU'RE THE ASSET. Your children did not consent and cannot yet consent to have their images distributed digitally and archived forever in the history of the Internet. Let them make their own choices when they are old enough to be informed.
@downdraft If I had an award to give you I would. The face pics bother me but whatever it’s your kid but the full on naked pics asking about rashes or poop, like do people not think even for 5 seconds that they shouldn’t post that?!? It’s bonkers
@downdraft As someone who has worked with abused children. This needs to be pinned. What can be done with your child’s pictures and photoshop is enough to haunt you for the rest of your life.

I can’t tell people what to do, but keep your child’s pictures behind as big a protective wall of privacy settings as you can or if you can, don’t post them online at all in any method.
@downdraft I used to be part of a private bumper group, and I would post pictures of my daughter in there but even then I felt weird about it and would delete sometimes. There’s just too many creeps online. I even feel weird posting pictures of my daughter on Facebook, but I tried to make settings as private as possible so only my friends and family I have can see them.
@katrina2017 This. I dont use FB but I have instagram. I only accept/follow friends/people I know. (Tbh Idk how people will just let anyone follow them). Since it's just friends/family, I'll share pics on my story since I live far away from most of my friends and still want to share
@rambovsrocky Yeah, I’m in a completely different state 900+ miles away from family and friends. It’s been years since I’ve been able to go back, so it’s really the only way they can see her.
I have friends who posted their kids Halloween costume that they made on Facebook and someone from their friends list took their pictures and posted it on Reddit and wouldn’t take the post down.

They only found out because they follow that sub Reddit and it was going viral. It was a giant cluster fuck. I felt horrible
@katrina2017 Our bump group has a separate group that is vetted by the mods as some moms didn’t feel comfortable posting pictures or asking questions in the other group as it grew (1500+) with not many of those users being active. The offshoot group has around 100 users for comparison.

ETA: I don’t have Facebook or Instagram and I’ve had to tell my family from day one not to post any pictures of my son online, especially without asking first.
@downdraft Thanks for saying what I could not find the gentle words for. I have been astonished by how many photos have popped up lately and also over on the BLW sub.

Save the photos for your personal social media that has privacy settings updated and be weary of what you use for profile and banner pictures. Any kind of public forum is so easily accessible to the weirdos that specifically look for that kind of thing.
@adebola I mean, a weirdo could easily stare at your child anywhere. As long as your kid is safe, you can't really live your life worried about perverts. Or at least I don't see the point.