It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

@robertjjones Echoing what all others have said about getting a lawyer. Pandemic has made most companies realize how tough it is for working moms.

Also, I was let go due to a restructuring when I was 8 mos pregnant. Had pre-eclampsia and we were trying to get to 37 weeks, which was exactly my expected last day of work. Son was pulled early and I missed the last two weeks. I gave myself 2 months to spend w my son, not thinking about work (aside from what was needed for unemployment). Then after 2 months, I started job searching in earnest and started a better job when he was 4 mos. Within a year, I got a major promotion and am doing stuff I never imagined I would. That doesn’t take away from the stress and depression and anxiety I felt having no job. It will get better, but it still fucking sucks when you’re in it. Hang in there.

Also, if your husband can take delayed paternity leave, that could be helpful as you adjust back to work (when that happens).
@robertjjones Keep your head up mama! I know the stress that you are going through and though the silver lining might not be visible now it’ll show up! I was 8 months pregnant and my company shut its doors. I filed for unemployment which helped then found another job 4 months after my child was born.

I did a whole career change went from medical billing to aerospace! I now make more than I ever thought I would. I have a company that supports me. A boss that goes the extra mile. A waaay more flexible schedule. And my husband gets to be a stay at home dad now. I never would have applied for this job if I never lost my old one.
@robertjjones Please go to an employment lawyer. They will do all the interfacing with your old job. Hopefully you'll get a nice settlement. Don't tell anyone you're hiring a lawyer until the lawyer has contacted your job (so they'll have a legal hold on all paperwork and can't destroy it). Things like that move slowly and if you tell lawyer you want to reduce stress they'll alter their process to fit that. This is a pretty open and shut case and the only reason it happened is probably because HR director was let go, cause they certainly know better.
@rifky This is the advice! Let the lawyer do the heavy lifting here. You can focus on your job search or taking care of you and your family right now and if & when you are ready I hope you land a great position at a family friendly place. They do exist out there and it will be better in the long run with the little ones. Hang in there OP. 💜
@robertjjones This is definitely a blessing in disguise although I know hard right now!

In this case, I would definitely look at your legal options for discrimination.

And if you haven't already, do not sign anything just yet!!! Have a lawyer look at it first. Don't let them bully you into signing anything. And the fact that they didn't have HR there is not great for them.

Keep your head up. Now you can enjoy this time with your kids and you will find a new job later, don't stress.
@robertjjones This is meant to be helpful but please physically relax. Breathe. Justly roll your shoulders, align your spine.

You're in a situation right now you're all going to be okay. I agree with your husband to stay at home until after baby arrives.
@robertjjones I'm really sorry this happened to you. I hope you will consider at least discussing your case with an employment attorney. There may be alternative routes you can go through to get a resolution, such as through a state agency or the EEOC. Please also don't forget about filing for unemployment. Depending on your state it may be accessible to you even though you were let go ostensibly for cause.
@robertjjones The right employer is out there. I went from an employer who called me a "liability" when they found out I was pregnant to an employer who hired me while pregnant. Also, my husband runs a firm and just hired someone who is 7 months pregnant!

Not saying you need to find a job this late in the game...just that someone will give you the respect you deserve.

Greener fields are out there and I'm so sorry you went through this. I would have had the same thing happen to me if I were in your shoes, and it's absolutely not fair. I hope you take a few days to recoup and look into fighting this, but I know how tired you must feel.
@robertjjones It happened to me at 6 months pregnant. I cried for like a month, landed a job when the kid was 5ish months. It sucked that I had to go back to the work of finding a job earlier than I would have liked, but everything’s fine now. Good luck!
@robertjjones It sucks but I would say that maybe it's time to polish up your resume and try to get into your network. While a lot of jobs have short hiring timelines, some take months. So applying occasionally might not be the worst idea. This could be something you could join after your maternity leave. At the very least, polishing up your resume would be good for when you are looking again.
@robertjjones If they offer you a severence read it carefully and have a lawyer review- it will probably say that if you accept you can’t sue them.

I was laid off at 6.5 months pregnant. “Restructuring “. I had the moments of panic but in the end I was able to collect unemployment for 6 months which gave me longer paid leave than FMLA and STD plus the one month my employer would have paid. (Sad but true , yay USA!)

I applied for jobs as my unemployment was running out and scored an even better position just before the world freaked out with covid.

Hope you can try to rest with a little one at home too :) try not to stress too much, it’s a job seekers market these days !
@robertjjones I’m so sorry! You might consider posting this to r/antiwork. I see a lot of quick and good advice for people is wrongful termination situations, which this absolutely sounds like it could be. I know it feels daunting to even be considering litigation with your family priorities, but no matter what: document EVERYTHING. You may be able to do something down the line or get help, so make sure you have everything you can get your hands on in writing. Even sending yourself and email with your notes is a good contemporaneous documentation method in a pinch.
@robertjjones Sorry mama, same thing happened to me but I’m only 5 months pregnant. We decided the same and just to take the time off until after the baby is born.

On the other hand, my daughter has been loving me being home with her all the time. Take the time and learn some hobbies. For me, I started a garden, been working on my baking skills, and am going to take a shot at learning crotchet. Getting laid off sucks but it doesn’t have to be all bad.
@robertjjones Not a lawyer, but am in HR. This sounds like it would definitely count as gender/pregnancy discrimination since other employees have had more unexpected absences and have not been terminated. I completely understand not having the energy to fight, but I hope you do.

I’m not sure what your line of work is, but I’m also in MN and work for the state’s largest employer. We are hiring and MANY positions are full-time remote.
@robertjjones LAWYER THE FUCK UP. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate but you deserve to be treated better. What they did is ILLEGAL and they need to be held accountable - ideally at your benefit.

Fuck them fuck them fuck them