It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

@robertjjones Don’t sign anything-they might offer you a severance and they might even give you a big number to entice you to sign and not sue them. Have a lawyer look at any documents before you sign. It’s worth it.
@robertjjones A great time to spend some time on your resume and perhaps taking a light class/certification/etc in your field. This is SO unfortunate and - while it’s annoying to hear in the moment - everything happens for a reason and at some point you’ll look back on this and be glad you aren’t in such a toxic environment anymore. As you said you were “on pins and needles” - no one needs that kind of stress while pregnant!
@robertjjones I have close friends who work in employment law and all I can say is that you DEFINITELY have a case for unfair termination here. Depending on the size of the company, if you file they may immediately offer to settle, or alternately they may fight you tooth and nail. Your statement that others have equal to or more absences without similar reprimand/disciplinary action is textbook discrimination. While it's going to be stressful, I strongly believe filing a case is in your best interest. There are likely clinics near you that offer, at a minimum, consultations regarding your case and potentially taking it on pro bono. EEOC is another good place to start. It is clearly stated on the Minnesota employment discrimination website that pregnancy is a protected class. Please PLEASE at a minimum, file a complaint. What they have done is illegal and the only way companies get stopped from doing this is by being called out. I'm so sorry this has happened to you.
@robertjjones First off I am so sorry, and excuse my language, but fuck those guys! If you have built a case, I say use it! I know it sounds daunting, but I’m pretty sure the lawyer will handle most of it. It would definitely be worth it in the end.

I was in a similar boat last year, fired at 8 months pregnant. I set up their HR program so I knew I had no recourse and I was there as a temp. I was still able to claim unemployment from the temp agency!

I understand what you’re feeling right now and it is awful. I don’t think I’ve cried harder in my life than when I drove home after they walked/waddled me out. It wasn’t about the job it was about the kids, I get it! But it ended up being one of the best thing that’s happened to me.

Once the shock and depression wore down I was angry. I still am. If I had a case, I would’ve destroyed them. I’m not a lawyer, but I am certified in hr so if you need any help/advice if you decide to pursue something, send me a dm! 😊
@robertjjones I would take this as a blessing in disguise because it really sounds like you have a great pregnancy discrimination case. If you haven’t contacted an employment attorney do so now. Go ahead and pursue it, use the energy you were expending at work on this case. Also see if you qualify for unemployment. Good luck and you will get through this! The last trimester is very exhausting so try to get as much rest as you can now that you’ll have some time to not focus on work
@robertjjones Numbers per number, women with kids are really at disadvantage. we call in a lot because we always get the lions share of child care. And in US where you either have to be Uber rich or poor to “afford” it. That’s just a fact of life. It is sad. I am lucky to have a flexible career and support person but I am very sad to moms that don’t. I can empathize with how these amazing, brilliant women fade away slowly in the background because of motherhood- a beautiful thing but circumstances are just not favorable.
@robertjjones I’m so so sorry this is happening. This sounds so stressful and honestly like discrimination. I hope you are able to fight this.

In regards to getting a new job, my coworker was hired last year and left after 2 weeks to have a baby. We just hired another woman who is still on maternity leave.

I myself went on a job interview 38 weeks pregnant (I’m crazy haha) and had a huge stomach. The lady who interviewed me was so impressed that I was there interviewing mere days away from giving birth. She wanted to hire me but it was mandatory to go into the office and I wasn’t ready to do that at the time.

I say all this to say, don’t count yourself out. Apply to jobs. You may end up finding a much better, much higher paying job that actually values you AND if you can get hired before you give birth, and the company offers paid maternity leave, you can take it and have some type of income coming in.

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