is it okay to take baby out now?

@idiotonabike Go outside for your own sanity’s sake lol. Fresh air is god for you and the baby. My wife would sit on the deck with our little one and we’d go for walks all the time. Little guy is now 1 and a half and he absolutely loves being outside. Sicknesses are going to happen. You’re totally fine.
@idiotonabike I took my baby everywhere from the minute he was born. He never got sick until he was much older! As long as people aren’t getting all up on them and you wash your hands you should be just fine taking them places. Outdoors is COMPLETELY fine.
@idiotonabike FiL is being unreasonable. Take baby out and get some fresh air; it’s good for baby’s lungs, mom’s blood flow, and everyone’s sanity. Same as what others said - maybe avoid stores and large gatherings if you can ( it always an option for everyone).
@idiotonabike We’re living life pretty close to normal when it comes to running errands and going places, but we’ve only let a select few touch him or get close to him.
@idiotonabike As long as baby doesn't get exposure to other ppl I think it's fine! I went for a walk post c section 1 week! I was going stir crazy not leaving the house. Just a gentle walk outside can do you wonders
@idiotonabike I took my two week old to the zoo when my first was born, and he was in NICU for a week.

My second went on a fall outdoor train ride at 6 days old and the corn maze at two weeks old.

Go do stuff! My kids are so used to going and doing stuff it makes life easier. They nap where ever, breastfeed wherever. I’m glad my kids are comfortable and used to going and doing stuff cause I can’t sit still haha
@idiotonabike Of course. I kept mine cooped up but she ended up catching a cold anyway from my husband after he returned to work. So odds of getting sick are more likely from someone who lives with you, not randos several feet away from you. 😊
@idiotonabike Babies are going to get poorly no matter what, I’d personally start taking him to start with outdoor activities like parks and picnics (just let them wiggle about on a blanket or on the grass for sensory!) then go for an easy meal out, or shopping and by then they’ll be a couple weeks in and you’ll get into a groove of what you’re comfortable with! :)
If it helps, my daughter caught a cold at 6 weeks old, blocked nose and everything (thanks to an in law 🙄) and she was perfectly safe. If your little one does ever get ill I’d suggest getting a saline spray and nasal aspirator on hand. Honestly it’s good just to have them anyway as they don’t know how to blow their noses yet
@idiotonabike We’ve been going on walks daily just to feel normal and part of the world again. We wait until the sun isn’t beaning down and make sure it’s warm enough. Our baby has also been to a few restaurants and stores but we keep him far from others and wash our hands insanely often.
@idiotonabike I think it’s okay to take them out but be thoughtful of where you take them. I started a mom baby class with my LO at 3 weeks.

I wouldn’t let a group of people pass around my newborn but I was okay with being with other mothers who were also trying to keep their babies safe and healthy.
@idiotonabike I don’t have a card and asked my friend, a paediatrician and mom, if it was okay to take the subway around that time. She said totally fine, just use hand sanitizer and dress appropriately for the weather. I’d imagine same advice for any form of transit.