is it okay to take baby out now?

@idiotonabike We took our newborn out to eat after a week of being home and he just slept the whole time. Keep him in his car seat and don’t let people touch Especially without washing hands and you’re all good.
@idiotonabike We felt comfortable taking baby out at 1.5 weeks. However, you don't need permission from any of us--or your FIL--to keep your baby in or take him out. You're going to see and hear lots of opinions regarding your child from many people who think they know more than you do. But always remember--you're mama, you do what you think is best and what you're comfortable with.
@idiotonabike Honey, you took your baby to the doctors office, right??? Where sickness abounds. If the doctor deems the risk to be fine to baby sharing air with babies with rsv and the like...I think it's fine to go out and enjoy life a little.
@idiotonabike The day after we came home from the hospital. I was taking my lo out to go back to the hospital for a bilirubin test (we ended up doing this for the first week after he was born) and to go to the emergency vet because my cat decided to eat my welcome home flowers. So personally I think its mom's preference. As long as strangers don't touch baby ill think your lo will be ok.
@idiotonabike We were out walking and getting fresh air around 4-5 days! It definitely helps break up the day and is good for your mental health. Would I take a newborn to Disneyland or another crowded area? Not until shots but the park is a wonderful idea!
@idiotonabike I started taking my newborn out for walks maybe 3-4 days after we left the hospital, and tried to get out every few days at least thereafter. We didn’t spend time with people who would want to hold him (apart from immediate family) until he had his 8 week shots but I would’ve lost my mind if we’d stayed home entirely. If you think it will feel good for you to get out, do so! ❤️ You’re probably right and your baby will be fine as long as you dress them appropriately for the weather, bring food, etc.
@idiotonabike Took my baby for coffee after his first appointment at 3 days old. Took him to Maui at 8 weeks old on a 6 hour flight, although I did discuss it with my doctor first and he had the vaccines they recommended. We did mostly outdoor walks before then but I had to take him anytime we did Costco or grocery runs. I washed my hands and used hand sanitizer pretty diligently but I think it’s safe to go out as much as you want using your own judgment and considering your personal comfort zone right now.
@idiotonabike I always get a lot of flack for this, but fuck it

Never vaxed my girl, I did deep dives on vax's for years before she was even a thought. My ex husband was a family doc who dove with me, and we both concluded that the current research was insufficient.

This is not me trying to convince you not to vaccinate, this is your choice, do as you feel is best

So yeah, my unvaxed baby has been going into the fresh air around other people (no touching) since she was two weeks old.

She got sick ONCE at 2mo following her first and only doctors visit after bringing her to a place WHERE SICK PEOPLE GO. She has not been sick one time since then. No ear infections, no eye infections, no colic, not even a diaper rash.

If your baby's drinking breastmilk that's full of the antibodies she needs, she's got a high likelihood of being absolutely fine if your take her out. If you're not breastfeeding, keep extra distance from others, and ask them to stay a good distance away if they want to get a peep at your LO.

Fresh air and sunshine is good for everyone, even tiny babies.

Note: If you have opinions about me not vaxing my baby, know that I've heard them already and you can STUFF IT.
@idiotonabike my little man is 5 weeks tomorrow, and he’s been going out and about with me since day 4! Like others are saying though, I keep it minimal on passing him around, and everyone either washes their hands or uses hand sanitizer before holding him. He’s doing great 🥰 I usually try to plan it according to his feeding schedule too, so usually about 2-4 hours max until it’s time to go back to nurse him!
@idiotonabike You can take them out anytime I believe, I thinks it’s good for them. Just stay away from Ill people. Although saying that we had to take her back into the children a and e at 4 days old for jaundice but she’s as fit as a fiddle (and didn’t need treatment for the jaundice in the end)
@idiotonabike When our newborn daughter was only two weeks old, we took her to two different hospitals for checkups for both her and my wife. During these visits, I asked our pediatrician about taking the baby out to public places. He reassured us that it's okay as long as we, the parents, take necessary precautions to ensure her safety, like using face masks. Our next vaccination appointment is in three weeks.