is it okay to take baby out now?

@idiotonabike I went to Waffle House on my way home from the hospital 🤷🏼‍♀️

I was specifically told it was fine to take her places, but to be mindful of where. Don’t go to the mall or something like that, but an outdoor mall would be fine. I felt like they were reasonable about it.

My uncle told me I was going to kill my baby if I took her anywhere. He also didn’t support her neck when he held her. Take what other people say with a grain of salt… ask your doctor about your specific baby.
@idiotonabike I took my baby out for walks when she was one week old. And i live in canada where it is cold (January). She is now two months old and we still go on daily walks.
I havent taken her to enclosed places bc of the measles outbreak, we will see.
@idiotonabike The park is no problem at all at this age, because you’ll be outside. My husband and I took our baby out at 3 weeks old to get coffee and walk around town and she is healthy at 6 weeks now.

ETA we have taken her on other outdoor outings since then and to a family members house. We also took her on walks around the neighborhood starting at 2 weeks old, but that was only because we weren’t up for it until then. Not because we were worried about illness
@idiotonabike Girl yes! Go to the park, your FIL is clueless. I’m just waiting for the weather to warm up (it snowed today where I live😭) but I’ve still taken him out but not when it’s this cold and I haven’t really let anyone hold him with the exception of my sisters and grandma. He turned 1 month yesterday. I also take him to grandma almost every Saturday. I was kind of on the fence about it at first but this is what help looks like and it’s good for us parents to do whatever we want to do that day whether it’s a complete reset at home or take a nap! It’s really up to you and as time goes by things will get easier, trust yourself, you know what’s best for both baby and yourself!
@idiotonabike I was out shopping at Costco with my LO at 2 weeks 🤣 I probably would’ve been out sooner if I felt better but I had a first degree tear and unmedicated birth so I took it easy first couple weeks.

Get back to life. ♥️ it’s totally okay!
@idiotonabike Everyone is different, but I’ve had my baby out at a restaurant at 3 weeks. And we go to stores often (she’s 8 weeks now). She’s met most of our family that lives around us. I try to tell myself that once I have school aged children there’s no way to prevent ALL of the germs anyways that will be coming into my home with a newborn. My mom did it and so many others. Do what you can by sanitizing surfaces/carts/hands, using stroller when possible, no one else kissing baby, and if anyone is sick stay away.
@idiotonabike It’s actually good for your newborn to get that fresh air! I took short walks with mine at 2 weeks. It was cold, but that’s also good for them, as long as they’re bundled up.
@idiotonabike My baby is my 3rd and my other two are school age so I literally have no choice but to bring the newbie out! We go to the park 3 times a week while the big kids do extracurricular activities.
@idiotonabike Our LO is 1wk 2 days today and he's only been to the doctor and we just walled around the neighborhood yesterday, BUT we have a Kindergartener too so there's only but so much we can do to limit germs. Right now only immediate family are allowed over, which we plan to relax on somewhat around the 3/4wk mark. I don't think I'd mind rubbing in Target with him.
@idiotonabike I take my baby outdoors from 2 weeks old, dressing her accordingly to the weather, but avoiding for now supermarkets or public transportation, but outside like in the park is just fine
@idiotonabike I had my little one out around 2 weeks! We only really went for walks and into supermarkets during quieter times but we've not had any issues! Obviously some babies will get sick if they did the same thing but we kept her in her pram when we were out. Didn't let anyone or anything touch her.

We only really did quick trips at first so never needed to change her or anything. But I had to go out for my mental health and it's good for the baby too!
@idiotonabike I was outside the first day after the hospital. Personally, I tried to avoid indoor places with my baby until the 2 month shots, but we were definitely all over the park and local playgrounds (especially with my second-born since the first-born was already used to being out and about all the time).

Your child might or might not get sick from being indoors with others but is very very unlikely to do so out in the fresh air, so you should have zero concerns about heading to the park from day 1. (Remind your dad that you need vectors of disease, i.e., people to get sick. Cold weather doesn't itself induce illness.)
@idiotonabike Your baby isn’t going to get sick being outside.

This is coming from someone who was VERY paranoid and made everyone wear masks around my baby until 4 months old.

Being outside with your baby is very safe
@idiotonabike I baby wore to outside for short walks within the first week. I was too fatigued recovering to be out for more than 20-30 mins, but it was great to get fresh air and sunlight
@idiotonabike Pediatricians recommend taking your babies for walks when they are born! My baby girl has been out since a week old and we’ve gone everywhere (she’s 3 months now)