is it okay to take baby out now?


New member
ftm here i’ve been really wanting to get out the house i feel so isolated but im also breastfeeding only right now i thought maybe going to the park would be a good idea to get some fresh air and sunlight my baby is 3 weeks old he’ll be 1 month next week fil says no he’ll get sick since he isn’t fully vaccinated (he does have his hep b and vitamin k) and to stay inside till he’s 2 months but i’ve seen people say they take their newborns out as soon as 2 weeks i don’t want to get him sick or harm him in anyway but im getting stir crazy
@jjtorres I was at Costco with my 2 week old buying formula and diapers 😆. I wear him in a baby wrap so I wasn’t too worried about people near him when I kept my distance from everyone. It also helps that I have resting bitch face so I’m not as approachable lol
@idiotonabike I took my newborn into a cafe at 4 days old. Quick in and out. Getting outside and into “real life” was important to my healing, and my doctor was fully supportive of getting my son adjusted to real life.

He’s 5 weeks old and what I haven’t done is pass him around. Only immediate family and one close friend. I will wait until he is vaccinated for this.
@idiotonabike Go outside if that is what you would like to do. You will be fine, baby will be fine - you’ll both be better for it. Go to the park and enjoy the sun, show your baby the world and the beautiful things in it. Baby is not going to get diseases from going to the park with you.

Don’t let other people mum shame you or scare you into hiding from the world. Women and babies deserve to live life.

I’m going to say that the fact that Reddit mums pages are super americanised is so eye-opening. I’m not going to assume you are American but in Australia and the UK we aren’t encouraged to hide away for months. People here go grocery shopping with their babies, we go to family gatherings with them and families celebrate the arrival of babies by meeting them shortly after birth, we take them to social events, we encourage mothers and children to go outside and have some fresh air. You are a human being.
@imagebreaker I am American and I just want to say that it seems like it's Americans specifically on Reddit who are super cautious and fearful about taking their babies anywhere. IRL babies are brought to grocery stores, church, family get togethers, and other outings. My family came over the day we got out of the hospital (they would have visited at the hospital but there was a huge snow storm), and we brought our baby with us to go to my son's soccer practice the next week. I'm not the anomaly either--most of the people I know with babies do the same things. I always remember what you see on Reddit many times is an echo chamber and definitely not representative of a whole population-- especially when talking about Americans.
@imagebreaker Came here to say- it’s also fairly easy to stay away from people when you’re at the park. Taking baby outside won’t make baby sick. Letting a sick person with their germs near baby will make them sick.

The only important thing to remember when you’re taking babies outside is temperature regulation - they get cold a lot easier than we do and also need more protection from the sun.
@imagebreaker Yes, this.

Babies need their immune systems to be stimulated by their environment to help build up their resistance.

This is why if you can breastfeed, you should heavily consider it, as mamas milk gives her baby the antibodies it needs to fight off present viruses. The more you kiss baby, the better, as this is how you pick up on what baby has been exposed to.

Sheltering yourself and your baby will likely lead to a weakened immune system, and more problems down the line.

If you do not breast feed, this means being a bit more rigid about how much contact you want your baby to have with outside parties. You can still go out, just be more aware of the risk and act accordingly ie: keep a greater distance between baby and people you don't live with. Ask strangers not to touch, family to wash hands before touching, and washing your hands frequently.
@idiotonabike You can totally go on a walk with your baby. It’s pretty unlikely they’d get sick in fresh air outside :) going to the grocery store or a big family gathering is another story.
@srcnfk Completely agree! Our LO is 9 weeks and our pediatrician recommended no big gatherings or stores until after her 2 month vaccines, but he highly encouraged us to get her out into nature. Take your baby to the park and enjoy it!
@idiotonabike We took our baby out immediately and everywhere. He stayed in his car seat or with us in our arms so the risk was incredibly low. Hes now a healthy 4 month old! I think we were at a brewery with him at like 6 days old lol we also would go for walks around the grocery store almost everyday
@idiotonabike Fresh air is great for babies! It helps get them vitamin d, and the natural light helps build their circadian rhythm. We started taking walks at 3 days old.

It's important to protect your mental health, and the four walls of your home get small quickly. Some days, even a quick walk around the block is all I need to reset and get through the day, and my son loves it as well.