@idiotonabike I always get a lot of flack for this, but fuck it
Never vaxed my girl, I did deep dives on vax's for years before she was even a thought. My ex husband was a family doc who dove with me, and we both concluded that the current research was insufficient.
This is not me trying to convince you not to vaccinate, this is your choice, do as you feel is best
So yeah, my unvaxed baby has been going into the fresh air around other people (no touching) since she was two weeks old.
She got sick ONCE at 2mo following her first and only doctors visit after bringing her to a place WHERE SICK PEOPLE GO. She has not been sick one time since then. No ear infections, no eye infections, no colic, not even a diaper rash.
If your baby's drinking breastmilk that's full of the antibodies she needs, she's got a high likelihood of being absolutely fine if your take her out. If you're not breastfeeding, keep extra distance from others, and ask them to stay a good distance away if they want to get a peep at your LO.
Fresh air and sunshine is good for everyone, even tiny babies.
Note: If you have opinions about me not vaxing my baby, know that I've heard them already and you can STUFF IT.