Income needed for 3 kids

@morgannicole555 You can live comfortably on your salary with way more kids than that if that’s what you truly want. Your lifestyle sounds like luxury to me though so at that point, only you can decide what you want to prioritize. You can always spend more money if you have it, doesn’t mean it’s worth it for everyone.
@morgannicole555 Is it “some” debt or is it like 1m? lol. Because therein lives the difference I would say.

Hubs and I will make 200k combined and are planning to start trying for a third in like 8 months when we are in our mid thirties. We do live in an mcol area, but we will be living on plenty… enough to maintain (expensive- equestrian and outdoorsman type) hobbies and at least 1 vacation- I do not enjoy vacations though so that is just not a priority item for us to spend on.
@morgannicole555 My husband makes the same. We're in a moderate COL area surrounded on all sides but HCOL areas. We're fine with 3, still considering a 4th. However, we only have debt in so far as we're leveraged, which is not the same. You're making far too much to be in debt, fix that. Otherwise, it's just lifestyle choices. I stay home which saves us a tremendous amount in childcare and who knows what else we'd be spending in the name of "conveniences." It's really just what you choose to prioritize at this point, your income is laughably irrelevant at this point so either you're not managing it well or you're picking luxury and convenience over a third. No shade, just pointing it out.
@morgannicole555 I love it. I never had any desire to "do it all." I like being able to focus on my home and family. It's cliche, but there's a lot of joy to be had by slowing down. If you can afford it, I highly recommend it.