Income needed for 3 kids

@wren84 That was the OP’s question. They were asking if they might have financial issues if they had another kid, and I said they’d be fine. I don’t see the issue with answering the posed question.
@morgannicole555 I think the only way for you to figure this out is to sit down and create a budget. You need to know how much money you have coming in, where it currently goes, and where you're willing to cut if necessary. For example, maybe you're okay with 1 vacation a year instead of 2, or maybe you currently spend a lot on something like going to the movies when you wouldn't mind watching at home instead. I think a lot of us here do some pretty heavy budgeting, so you'd probably be surprised at how low a lot of our family incomes are. For example, I'm in a high COL area, and we can make a family of 4 work on ~90k/year. It really depends on your circumstances more so than what other people are doing.