I wish I had listened to my gut

@gakelley Words cannot express how truly sorry I am OP, this is heart wrenching, life is so unfair. May God give you the strength to heal. Evren is a beautiful name 💙 your baby boy knew nothing but love, My heart is with you
@gakelley I’m so sorry this happened. I want to say something comforting, but I honestly don’t know what to say. I admire your determination to pursue legal action, because you may help this not happen to another mom. I know that doesn’t make it better for you, but your little boy’s legacy can live on a bit to help other babies.

This site has a lot of different resources that may help at different points of your healing process: https://www.pushpregnancy.org/pregnancy-infant-loss
@gakelley I am so sorry for your loss. After being pregnant with a boy, you will carry his DNA in your body forever. Evren only ever knew your love and warmth, and you are forever and always his mom.
@gakelley So tragic. You did listen to your gut, you went to the er and did everything you could. Your hospital let you down hugely. I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby boy.
@gakelley Sorry for your loss. This is absolutely not your fault, and you are an amazing mom with a badass intuition, you knew and felt something was wrong, but no one listened to you. I've been in this position where I knew something was wrong all along but the 3 doctors I went to did nothing! Please don't let them get away with this!
@gakelley I’m so sorry for your loss and the guilt / pain you’re experiencing. It’s not fair. You’re not to blame though. It’s natural to put our trust in professionals. And it’s natural to second guess yourself, retrospect is very very cruel. You did what you believed was best and you only wanted the best outcome. But yes, patients are often dismissed and you have to persist even when you feel like you might be foolish. I’ve been there, too. Sending you love.