I wish I had listened to my gut

@jackson12 thank you so much.
neither the ER nor L&D did transvaginal ultrasounds, only abdominal. they did do speculum exams, but that was it. L&D’s reasoning made sense, as they said the more they poked around the more likely they could introduce infection. ER had no reasoning and the tech was very cold to me.
@gakelley I'm so sorry for your loss of Evren. I lost my son at 22 weeks earlier this year. Living with this loss is so hard. What happened to you is not fair. I hope you can find some justice and peace.
@gakelley I am so sorry for your loss, may your sweet baby boy rest easy. Although it will be a hard journey ahead, I hope you still have days when you can laugh and smile, it’ll get better some day but the grief will always be there- grief is only the love that you have for your son though. 🤍

As someone that also lost their son around that same time I can only urge you to not be hard on yourself and to not direct any responsibility for his passing on yourself! You did everything you needed to do to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy with your son, you trusted the doctors and it was them that failed you both.
@gakelley This is awful, I’m so sorry you were dismissed. You did all you could with the information you had. I’m so sorry things turned out this way. I hope you feel held and cared for during this tragic time.
@gakelley I am so so sorry for your loss! 💔 I’m praying for your healing and comfort during this difficult time. A family went through a situation similar to yours in Toronto and their story was picked up by th Globe and Mail. Could you try sharing your story with news publications perhaps? This could be a way to hold the hospital and the involved people accountable. And, could perhaps even get the attention of prominent lawyers.
@joyful1977 i hadn’t even thought to go that far, but i might just start doing that, because it’s so hard to find a MedMal attorney in Texas who will take an ER case