I wish I had listened to my gut

@gakelley I’m so sorry for your loss. I get so irritated hearing stories like this because so many times women are dismissed especially in a medical situation. I’m so upset for you and your baby. But please don’t blame yourself. I know it’s hard not to sometimes, but it’s truly not your fault.
@gakelley My son was diagnosed with LUTO while I was pregnant with him. I had him at 18 weeks, and all I ever think about is who would he have been? What would he have looked like? I feel your pain mama. Message me if you need to talk.
@gakelley I’m so sorry for your loss, we lost our son at 40 weeks due to malpractice a few months ago. Also trying to go through the courts although nothing will bring him back we need to do something this as we can’t let this slide.
Happy to talk if you need a friend that understands 💙
@gakelley Oh I am so sorry mama. I can't even imagine your pain. The first hospital absolutely should have done a swab test and I also feel that they should have kept you until delivery after realizing your water was broken. Evren is an absolutely beautiful name.

I thought I was leaking fluid around this time because I had a gush in my underwear while standing and went into the hospital and they didn't do a swab test either. This was the same hospital that I ended up staying at towards the end of my pregnancy due to being high risk of uterine rupture (as I had one prior) and they refused to believe I was rupturing (suggested it was kidney stones or appendicitis...) despite the most insane pain I've ever experienced and other obvious signs plus the fact that I was literally staying in the hospital because of being high risk for it... Left me to rupture and bleed into my abdomen for 10 hours before finally delivering. Always trust your gut. Doctors are stubborn and egotistical and always think patients are part of the 99% instead of the 1%. My dad was a paramedic/firefighter and he told me with their pregnant patients that are experiencing pain and symptoms, they always approach the situation through the lens of the most obvious and high risk scenarios.

Please also look into grief & PTSD/trauma counseling to help you navigate this.
@gakelley I’m so sorry. I feel awful you went through any of this.

This sub’s collective experiences (and my less serious experiences) have taught me that ERs can be so horrible to concerned pregnant people. Like treating you as if you’re either overreacting or acting like you’re the first pregnant woman to ever come in there in the history of ever.

I hope you’re able to find peace and if you pursue a lawsuit, also get some justice.
@gakelley Oh mama, my heartbreaks for you. I am so sorry for what you're going through. I think finding a malpractice lawyer is a good idea. (Also, some grief counseling for you and your husband.) That way the same thing doesn't happen to the next mom in a similar situation.

My son is six months old now but when I was around 35 weeks or so I felt a lot of liquid and told my OBGYN about it. She sent me straight to the hospital where they tested for amniotic fluid. It came back negative. They still did an ultrasound and monitored his heart rate. They were very thorough. Anyone dealing with prenatal care should be just as if not more thorough. A life literally depends on it.

It's important as a momma to trust your gut but it's just as important to not cause you (and therein the baby) more stress than necessary. It's a fine line to balance. You made the call you made based on what the medical professionals said. It's not your fault that they weren't thorough. Please don't blame yourself. You did the best you could with the knowledge you had at the time.

I read in the other comments that his name was Evren (am I spelling that right?), which is just so beautiful. I love the meaning and that it starts with a vowel. My son's name is Artal, and all our other chosen baby names start with A. Maybe you could do something similar when or if you feel ready to try again. It would be a beautiful way to keep his memory living on with his siblings, something they share.

Anyway, I can't imagine what you're going through. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am sending you and your family positive vibes 💜
@gakelley The fetal cells have been found to stay in the mother's body beyond the time of pregnancy, and in some cases for as long as decadeS after the birth of the baby.
@gakelley Hi Bees,
I am so so sorry for your loss. I don’t know if this will give you comfort, but if your water was leaking at 18 weeks there is no treatment or cure- I’m sorry you weren’t properly diagnosed but I promise it would not have changed the outcome. Losing amniotic fluid that early cannot lead to a viable outcome. I’m so sorry this happened to you.