FTM here. Has anyone else attended pregnancy courses, read books and thought "Okay, simple, feed them every 2-3 hours, breastfeeding is natural, burp, let them sleep, change diapers when needed, do tummy time, show black/white cards and that's it. I got this " And then the reality hits - baby is crying even after eating, cries when bathing, hates tummy time, can't fall asleep (unless nursing). And then you're like - why TF did noone mentioned this in the books or courses? And then let's not forget fatique + anxiety worsening ( I google every little thing he does and each time am sure it's the worst case scenario).
How are your experiences? How are you dealing with being a first time parent? When it will get better? Is there something I should know from you as seasoned parent?
EDIT: Well, I figured something out - baby was very uneasy, crying because upply was very low, so the guy was unhappy because he was hungry. We adjusted formula amount and now he sleeps like a dream. You live and you learn.
How are your experiences? How are you dealing with being a first time parent? When it will get better? Is there something I should know from you as seasoned parent?
EDIT: Well, I figured something out - baby was very uneasy, crying because upply was very low, so the guy was unhappy because he was hungry. We adjusted formula amount and now he sleeps like a dream. You live and you learn.