I want to be pregnant next year but don't know what month to give birth

@joybubble It may not be that simple. You may get pregnant right away or months or years later! It’s normal for it to take 6 months to a year to get pregnant. I thought it would happen quickly for me as my whole family has been super fertile but here I am over a year later and have still never gotten a positive test.
@olbrychtrings Hmm even if it's so, I still want to wait till nxt yr to try for it becuz rn I'm just not rdy financially and physically. Trying to save up and trying to lose weight which is going rlly well btw
@mercifulwoman I'm not upset about it. Yes it's a reality check but I will keep trying if it doesn't work out for me a few times. But I am certain I want to go for it starting nxt yr becuz I'm preparing myself and want to focus more on myself this yr 😊
@mercifulwoman I'm not upset about it. Yes it's a reality check but I will keep trying if it doesn't work out for me a few times. But I am certain I want to go for it starting nxt yr becuz I'm preparing myself and want to focus more on myself this yr 😊
@joybubble I don’t mean to be insensitive at all, but once you start trying, (I’m ttc right now) you realize how all the stars need to align perfectly to get pregnant. It’s not feasible to try to time a birth or pregnancy. We can control a lot of things in life, but this one isn’t it. I know how it feels because, I was trying to time it. I’m very type A and I had to just let go.
@will009 How were you able to let it go? I’m getting my IUD out later this month and I’m SO set on “this will be my fertile week, so I’ll get pregnant hopefully, then give birth in this month”. It’s so exhausting
@misterlogicman It’s a work in progress. You have to find out what works for you. Personally, the first cycle was hard. This time around I’m not testing unless I get past a certain DPO. I’m focusing on this month and this month only right now. I didn’t let myself search any due dates or anything this time. We have to accept we can do what we can in our control, but that 80% of it is out of our control. Pregnancy is literally a miracle.
@joybubble I tried to time things to have my baby during the ideal season to have a birthday. It didn't work out, took us 8 months to get pregnant so the poor kids birthday will be in December. Meanwhile my friend got pregnant first try. TTC is a crapshoot and you never know how it'll go until you try 🤷‍♀️

I wouldn't put too much stock in any one month or time of year because if it doesn't work out you may end up that much more disappointed. Start trying when you are ready, and figure it out from there.
@joybubble Dudette this is me to the core. Aiming to get preggers dec-Feb for an end of year baby since I’ve got two girls one in March and another in July. So a start of the year, and middle of year baby already.

I’m not on birth control apart from pull out method. But with my first I got pregnant instantly, and with my 2nd it took 7 months. It doesn’t work out and I don’t get pregnant in that 3 month window I think I’ll still keep trying. A baby is a blessing no matter what date they’re born. But okay to have preference.
@joybubble I'm just going to answer the holiday birthday question since the rest of your post has already been addressed.

My husband is a holiday baby and he does not like it. Mine is close to the holidays as well. It's very difficult to schedule birthday parties because friends' families usually have holiday plans. It's also very difficult both from an energy perspective and financially to treat a holiday birthday like other birthdays. Budget is tight and unless you plan very well, it may fall short. From a gift perspective, it's difficult for everyone (including the birthday kid) to scrape together ideas for Christmas and a birthday so close to one another. We hope to TTC soon and delayed our start date to avoid having a holiday baby for these reasons.
@learntolive Ok I'll keep this in mind! I wouldn't like my kid to go thru this as well. Maybe jan/feb? But everyone says it's hard to conceive from the get go so I'll try w my ideal date nxt yr but if it doesn't work out, I'll just keep trying and accept whatever month they're born in. Thanks!
@joybubble Personally, if I could choose, I'd want to avoid the hot summer months while in the last trimester. I've heard from many that the heat just adds to the discomfort.

I doubt I'd get that lucky though lol
@joybubble It’s really just rolling the dice on when you get pregnant. I got pregnant our first time having unprotected sex with our first baby. Then we had a surprise baby (miscarriage) 15 months later, despite protection. After the bleeding from the miscarriage stopped, we decided to go without protection because we were a month away from our TTC date and figured we wouldn’t get pregnant easily again… we did. Third time around I seriously doubt we’d get lucky again like that, but we are waiting until the soonest date we’d like to get pregnant in. We will skip over two cycles though if we’re not pregnant before then, because I REALLY don’t want to have a holiday baby if I can help it. I’m close to Christmas, as are many of our family members. End of November rolls around and we have a birthday or holiday every single week until mid January. It’s just too much for us. Babies can come early, of course, but I will try to avoid it as much as possible.
@joybubble Coming back to this thread bc I don’t want to be insensitive but no one else has mentioned, while it’s possible to travel with a baby, and some babies even do really well with it!, it’s very hard sometimes. Be prepared to have a back up plan. If for example your baby is colicky, traveling will be extremely difficult on everyone.

My son was a great traveler until he was about 18 months old. He’s 9 tomorrow and still hates to be in the car for more than 10 mins lol. My grandma used to have to travel back and forth between Ohio and Connecticut for her older kids and their father, when she had to take my aunt (from the younger set lol) it was apparently hell. She’d scream and cry for anywhere between 2-8 hours of the 12 hour trip. Nothing would console her but sometimes they just had no choice but to bring her. She’d just get wore out eventually and would sleep the remainder of the trip. She did this from infancy til they moved back to Ohio when she was about 6 (I think).
@aatif Yeah I've thought of this but at the same time don't wanna stress overy details rn until I talk to a gyno about all the scenarios becuz I do plan to travel when they're about a couple months old. We will see! Thanks!
@joybubble Try not to focus on when you’ll give birth. It’s really setting yourself up for high hopes that can be crushed is it doesn’t happen. Just focus on the TTC when it comes time and the birth month will be what it is 😊