I think I made a core memory with my daughter last night

@katrina2017 That was my thought too. I'm glad he made a memory of something so sweet (this'll last a lifetime for her) as well as hoping he told her the importance of waking up an adult and not to do this on her own.
@katrina2017 Yup! I agreed to do "tubby" with my son once and now I "tubby" every night with him. It's awesome and I'll cherish it cause one day it won't happen anymore. However, I do miss taking showers.
@katrina2017 Lol my immediate thought too. The Saturday before the 4th of July I heard fireworks just outside our neighborhood and noticed we had a good view from the driveway. Grabbed my 3.5 year old daughter from her room (had just finished her bedtime routine but she was still awake) and watched them for 15 minutes until they finished. Great core memory. 10/10 would make that choice again, but I certainly paid for it because every single night for the next week when she heard fireworks outside she ran to my room to see if we could go outside.
@katrina2017 One night when I was little I was scared of the thunder and lightning and I wouldn't settle so my dad got me up and put on my wellies and raincoat and we went out in the middle of the night during the storm and splashed around in puddles.

Apparently every time the weather looked even remotely menacing, I was apparently 'extremely scared' and insisted that going out to splash in puddles would make me feel better haha.
@berk60 Growing up, we had dormer windows that led to a flat(ish) spot on our roof. My dad took me out my bedroom window with a quilt to watch the moon rise over the creek one summer night. He let me pick the spot to sit and we were out there for HOURS talking about everything a 7 year old girl wanted to talk about. It wasn't until I got sleepy that I noticed that we still hadn't seen the moon. Turns out I picked the wrong side of the house to sit and when we walked around to the window the moon was huge and already high in the sky.

That is still one of my favorite memories 30 some years later. We did watch the moon rise a couple weeks later but that first night was the best.
@prepperoni Oh man, did the same with my three year old. Let her sit in the front seat while I backed the car out of the garage to move something.

For the next week it was, “can I sit up front? I don’t want to sit in my seat”
@jferna6 We have a really great little dirt road right outside the neighborhood. Son has been riding in the front for a year or more now and he hates his car seat because of it. Pros and cons I guess....lol
@berk60 Lurking mom here - while my husband wasn't thrilled about me totally detailing bedtime for our 3 year old, I did something similar not too far back. I absolutely loved catching fireflies as a kid, and our yard was absolutely bursting with them. I interrupted stories and took him out barefoot to chase fireflies and it was wonderful. Little one still talks about it like it was yesterday. Worth it.