I think I made a core memory with my daughter last night

@berk60 I just bought our daughters their first new trampoline last month for our forever home. The girls had one two homes ago but we couldn’t bring it with us, and they’ve missed it.

I just got home after picking up an emergency call. I worked from 7AM until about 10 minutes ago, which is midnight. The temp is warm out, the sky is clear, and there is NO HUMIDITY finally. I’m gonna go lay on our trampoline and stargaze.

Yeah, you definitely made a core memory.
@berk60 Definitely a core memory. I took my 4y/o daughter out once to look at the stars before bed and she asked to do it most nights after that. Then we did it once where we sat on the edge of the trampoline (ours has a cover so we can't see the stars while laying on it) and now she asks if we can sit on the trampoline and look at the stars (though the cover ripped in the wind last week so when I remove the pieces I'll make a point of laying on it next time).

She asks me to tell her what the stars are called, she can identify a couple of constellations (mostly the southern cross), and she always wants to find Mars.
@berk60 Aww this is so nice! I appreciate the reminder to stop and be present sometimes. It’s wonderful you recognized the opportunity! Dad FTW!!!
@berk60 Well done, from a young age I’ve always encouraged my kids to stop, look up and appreciate the night sky. Now I’m no astronomer by any stretch but pointing out that the star they’re pointing out was actually Jupiter then getting a telescope so they could see the orbiting moons really amazed them as it should...👍
@berk60 I had a similar moment a few months back. Daughter (6 yo) came down at around 11pm complaining she couldn't sleep. It's super rare that's a problem, and it happened to be a Friday night. Wife was already asleep, so I asked if she wanted to watch a movie with me.

Then I put on Ridley Scott's Alien, and boy did that not help things one bit! And now every night is "can't sleep, the xenomorph will eat me." Not even sure how she knows that word, I don't think they ever even use it in the first film. Anyway, definitely made a core memory!

(I'm kidding, obviously. We watched *Batteries Not Included and talked about eminent domain.)
@wayne46 Ok. A: batteries not included is amazing.

And b: my oldest (5) explained eminent domain to his summer school gym teacher yesterday and the gym teacher didn’t know what it was. Reading that you talk to your kid about it as well made me laugh a bit.
@berk60 Nice! Good job!

You just reminded me (and I just made a post on it) that tomorrow there is a solar storm coming through, and the northern lights should be visible as far south as Maryland USA! Best times I have seen is 10pm-2am.

Check to see if you are in location that will be able to see it!
@berk60 Had a similar moment the other night with my 2 year old. Had been on the road all weekend and came back, wife had plans, toddler wouldn't nap until she crashed in the living room at 7 pm. So I get my 1 year old to sleep in that time, and around 10 pm 2yo wakes up. Usually I'd be hard pressed to keep her quiet for the 1yo but for whatever reason she finally found her inside voice.

So instead of setting her back up to go to bed, we hung out in the living room, played with blocks and books. Reheated some pizza, she thought she was super cool for getting a sip of my soda lol. Then we had some popcorn and settled in for a movie. Any other day she would be assaulting me with "come on dad" to follow her to this or that thing every 2 seconds, regardless of if she actually had a destination in mind. For whatever reason she was the perfect combination of quiet and still.

The hardest part is normally shes still in full toddler mode about things, she asks for something and then screams the entire time you get it for her. That night, I think I witnessed the next step in her mental development. She came out of nowhere with little full sentences, understood what I was asking her, and waited patiently for the return. "Hey Abby, are you hungry for pizza?" *tiny whisper yell gasp: "Pizza?? Ok daddy! Tome on!"

Might not have been a core memory per se, but it was cool to witness a little moment of growth in the wild. And as tired as I was, I'm really glad I didn't put her back to bed.

Stay blessed Dads
@berk60 I doubt the memory will be retained long-term, but when she's 13 she may declare she wants to grow up to be an astrophysicist and not remember why.

My daughter's core 3-year-old memory is of getting sick and puking. She was pretty much traumatized at the time, not knowing her body could do that.

She's an adult now. To this day, she cannot watch someone throw up in a TV show or movie, and she doesn't know why. It's quite a spectacle to watch her run from the room.

These core memories exist for both good and bad things. A few years ago, I got to read a book called Adult Children of Alcoholics and learned quite a bit about my own childhood. I'm glad you're making good long-term impressions on your daughter.