I think I made a core memory with my daughter last night

@berk60 Every single experience for a kid is a learning experience. When your child is making a bee line towards the mud puddle in the driveway don't stop them. They are learning. Experimenting. Cause and effect.
"Heck yeah splashing was a blast.
But now my legs wet and feet are cold".

Every second of everyday is opportunity to learn as a child.
Thank you for writing this. Made me tear up. Wish my daughter was with me rn. The stars look beautiful tonight.
@berk60 Dunno where in the world you are, and how robust and funded your local library system is, but my local library is one of 4 in my county that lends out telescopes.

You have to reserve months in advance. For 1 week a go, and I've tried twice and had an overcast night sky for 14/14 days.

But... Neil DeGasse Tyson said once he has a formative memory, of being a wee lad, and his dad getting a telescope, and training it on Saturn, and NGT looked into the eyepiece and seeing Saturn, rings and all its glory, and deciding while he was still in his single digits, he wanted to study the Stars.

So, check your local Libraries.

Study stars. Excite your kiddo. Spark Core Memories.

And enjoy every minute mate.
@berk60 Really loved this. I don't see my daughter much (every other weekend/plus lives in a another state) and reading this made me tear up. Moments count. This is more valuable than anything. I can't wait to see my little one this weekend.
@berk60 This is the kind of stuff that I’m super excited for! I have a 15 month old and she’s already so much fun. I can’t wait for those late night bonding moments
@berk60 I had a similar experience! I was living with me brother’s family, and one night, past midnight, everyone gets woken up because my 5yo niece threw up everywhere.

Instant chaos. Mom and dad are tired and frustrated and miscommunicating about the clean-up. Niece is starting to pick up on their vibe and getting upset, beginning to cry.

I swoop her up, take her outside, and we spend 5-10ish minutes looking at the stars. We both forget about the chaos inside.

We go in, her room is clean, she goes to sleep. Months later I get “remember when we stayed up all night looking at the stars??” That was her takeaway of the evening :)
@berk60 I absolutely love your story. What a great moment! Like another commenter said, I think I will also be stealing this idea. Well done, super-dad!
@berk60 I still remember one night that I couldn’t sleep, my mom and went downstairs and played backgammon. Nothing super special, but one of those random moments I still remember 20 years later.
@berk60 Some of my best memories with my dad growing up were when we went and did stuff when it was an absurd hour of the night. Just going to ihop, Walmart or driving around was always a lot of fun.
@berk60 See, this one of those things! Everybody talks about the importance of routines and I don’t disagree but for some kids and adults going outside the routine can make all the difference.

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