I really don’t know how people cope with even one baby

@jtyrer I hate it so much when people say “just wait,” when I tell them about something positive happening for me with my six month old. I’m fully aware it’s going to get harder in ways as she gets older but I will discover that on my own, why do you have to rain on my parade especially when I’m having a really hard time as it is with postpartum depression? I don’t get it.
@mikelore I will say I don't think it necessarily gets "harder," just different and more complicated. But that's balanced by their ever increasing independence (which can be its own struggle lol).

But from one PPD mom to another, grab those positive moments and enjoy them. And share them with the people who will boost that positivity, not try to tear it down. People don't usually mean it that way, but if someone's never experienced PPD, they can't know how fragile those beautiful moments can be ❤️
@kristinat Ohhh ya I hated when people said that! I heard that about the newborn stage but honestly, the newborn and baby stage was good for me. Two years old she is crazy wild but with most other kids I see them acting pretty mellow and chill with their parents unless they are playing. I think OP has a lot to look forward to in the older age!!
@kristinat I agree so far. First year was awful and 2nd year was honestly fun and pretty good. My son is 2.5 now and he is still pretty fun and he's also learned to take a break when he gets upset about 70% of the time now so he will start to get mad or upset and then just say he needs a break and go sit on the step for a few minutes and come back all calmed down. It's... pretty freaking sweet. Lol
@kristinat Same! I would argue that nothing is more miserable than the newborn phase within the first year, but the first year in general is still miserable lol. I also had a difficult baby. It must prepare you for toddlerhood, because the people who say it gets worse seemed to have had calm babies.
@jesusmypeace It's ok to know your limits. I had a laughably easy pregnancy (no symptoms besides a growing belly) and a newborn who was a sleepy potato, he's grown into a happy 2yo. My husband and I both work full time in tech, we're in our 40s. I don't want to roll the dice and end up with a rough pregnancy + difficult newborn. We like being able to switch off, we like paying for just one set of daycare, etc.
@mikelore He does! He’s 11 months and still takes 2 naps and sleeps 12 hours overnight. I did ask his doctor about it because it felt like a lot, so always worth checking if you’re concerned!
@jesusmypeace I am firmly one and done. However, I’ve started to realize that I would actually have a second kid. Hand me a potty trained five-year-old. But I would never ever have a second baby. I couldn’t handle the baby stage at all, but I’m loving the two year-old plus stage. it does get a hell of a lot better, but I don’t know how people get through that stage multiple times. They say you forget, but I certainly have not.
@jesusmypeace It is a wild ride, I truly feel like there is no shame for people to recognise where their limit is whether it’s five children or none. I found pregnancy heightened some untreated mental health issues and while I’m so grateful for my bean it’s been a lot of ups and downs. I feel grateful to have finally sorted that out after a few years, but I’m not willing to rock the boat again. I did find it trickier when my bean was younger than 2 as I was the primary parent and have a very Velcro bean who I adore but it’s exhausting too! I know stating things like it gets easier doesn’t help, I think just understanding your feelings are valid and it’s okay to feel that way. Hope you have time for you somewhere even if it’s a cup of tea and a good book for half an hour. Take care!
@jesusmypeace oh OP, all the hugs for you. it’s so tough. while my pregnancy was ok generally i really hated the baby stage. i was obsessive over sleep and being slow on milestones and the newborn days were so tough without sleep and so much crying and all. also had postpartum depression and honestly probably only started feeling better closer to 1 year, with medication.

i have a 3+ year old and recently i watched a video of him crying in the hospital as a newborn and i straightaway started panicking and having PTSD symptoms because it was just that bad. my limit is 1 for sure.

for me the toddler years and now the pre school years are rough but the baby stage was the worst. of course everyone has different experiences so some will say it gets worse but i just want you to know you are amazing for making it this far.
@jesusmypeace I feel pretty similarly. Just today as I passed minute 45 of trying to get my nine month old to sleep, I found myself thinking, "does everyone go through this? Is it really always this hard? How did we get here as a species!?"
@jesusmypeace You’re in the thick of it but the good news is it does get better. My kid is 10 and I’m so free and living the best life possible. It wouldn’t be the same if I kept having multiples like everyone around me is.
@azngirl4god YES! Elementary school age is the best. Mine is 8, and we can have actual conversations, and she can help care for herself and help around the house. It's WAY better than infancy and toddler-hood!