I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@jolene576 You poor woman omg. Mine were born at 39 and 37 and I was already fed up! I can only imagine 😳 Eat some delicious food, bounce on a yoga ball, and have some awkward giant belly sex 🤣
@jolene576 Oh man that’s rough! It’s great to vent here, I hear you and your feelings are legit.

Boo to canceling 6 inductions before yours, like how does that happen???

I’m at 39 + 6 today and definitely ready and trying my best not to become completely anxious. My first baby was born at 39 + 4, how dare this one take her time?

Ugh maybe this one takes after me...I’m always late 😭
@jolene576 Thank god my husband was working nights the few weeks before the baby came so I didn’t have to see him sleeping peacefully every time I got up to pee (every 45 minutes by the end).

I ended up being induced at 37+6 because of my blood pressure. When the secretary at my OBs office called the hospital to schedule it they tried to tell her they didn’t have room. She was like nope, sorry, it’s urgent you gotta make room. I still had to wait another whole day but the hospital wanted me to wait 3 😬
@jolene576 My induction was canceled 3 days in a row (starting at 41+3). I finally showed up to the hospital in full labor with my water broken at 41+5 and they still didn't have any beds! Someone gave birth in L&D triage while I was waiting there.
@jolene576 My second baby came out after being induced, at 41+5. Everything hurt and was uncomfortable, so I can 100% relate! I know you came to vent and I fully support that, but if you're by any chance up for it, walking up and down stairs should help you along.. Especially since you're technically in labour :) hope baby comes soon!
@wantingtodotherightthing This was my son lol. Induced at 42 weeks because, in labor for like 26 hours, then had to get him cut out anyways (C-section) because he refused to turn in a direction that was conducive to actually coming out of a pelvis. That kid was 100% content with staying in there forever 🤣