I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@jolene576 Ooooo I understand you. Prepare for more frustration too once you get in there. No one is meant to have that big of a human inside of them, you're rightfully going crazy. You're right there at mile 26 of your marathon and it just sucks until it's over.
@jolene576 So sorry!! That’s awful. In the meantime—have you tried taking a unisom (or half unisom) before bed? It’s safe for morning sickness, so it should be fine. And in my case it also knocks me out and keeps me from waking up so frequently.
@katrina2017 The hospital I was going to be induced at in Orlando... My doctor said inductions have been delayed since June usually 24-48 hours. She said I'll schedule you, but it might be the next day. Luckily my 4th (sept) came spontaneously at 38+2. Not so luckily I didn't get to give birth at my hospital with my doctor an hour away because my water broke and I have fast labors. 2 hours after getting to the hospital 5 minutes from my house she was here. Too fast for an epidural, too fast for my husband to come. Gave birth alone and it still makes me sad.
@katrina2017 The hospital I’m going to is one of the best in the area, so all the ladies wanna go. They’ve gotta take the ones going into labor naturally before us and we definitely had the COVID baby surge here ;(.
@jolene576 Damn, you're a superhero! I was DONE at 36 weeks. Had them rip me open at 39 weeks to get that damn kid out. Good luck, and it's completely acceptable to kick your husband awake if he's snoring peacefully. You're pregnant, hormonal, and tired, you don't need excuses 😂
@jolene576 I went to 41 weeks with my boy. 41 weeks pregnant is a special kind of hell. I had truly started to believe that my body was broken and he was never going to come out. They do though, one way or another. I hope you get to meet your little one soon!
@jolene576 Screw anyone who tries to minimize how uncomfortable and anxious those last weeks are. My dad’s gf said “it’s best for the baby to stay in as long as possible” and I’ve never contemplated manslaughter so seriously. Hope your baby cooperates ASAP.
@jolene576 This. I feel you so hard. 40+3 and if I hear one more person say “babies come out when they’re ready!!” I WILL smack someone. One of my girlfriends had the audacity to say to me yesterday “you’re only 2 days late”. Sigh.

Hope you get in for your induction ASAP, sending all the support and good vibes!!!
@jolene576 This was me 6-weeks ago! I feel you. I had complete strangers tell me to have sex with my husband to bring on the baby. Like OH THANK YOU, Lady who works at the bookstore My induction kept getting bumped and I was in so much pain with babe stuck right in my pelvis. Sorry you’re going through this. You’re so close to the end, you can do this! I hope your induction goes super well and that your LO will be in your arms soon.
@jolene576 Dude I sooooooo feel you. I was 41w with my first and wanted to punch the shit out of everyone. No, shut the fuck up Karen, I am miserable. Hoping it comes soon for you!
@jolene576 I feel your pain! I went 41 weeks 5 days with my first and it was the hardest most unbearable time of my life. I promise it will end. Self medicate with all the good food and tv shows it’ll help. :)
@jolene576 UUUUGGGHHHHH why can't people just sympathize and let you bitch instead of trying to win the "true but asshole to say" olympics? The end of pregnancy sucks a lot and you feel like shit and you want to meet your baby. You have every right to be disappointed with the situation and tired that you're still experiencing a difficult physical state.