I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

@1godsman For some reason, my kid initially pronounced Blippi as ‘pussy’. We had a confusing few days of him yelling I LOVE PUSSY and I WANT PUSSY until he figured out what the hell he was talking about.

(We have worked with him on the pronunciation and he can now say Blippi properly - unfortunately 😂)
@1godsman Since my daughter was about 4mths old I have been spelling her name out loud, only 4 letters long. Right before 2 years old she discovered Blippi and started spelling and saying his name but wouldn't say hers. eyeroll

Eta: She spells it correctly, but she calls him Boppy lol
@1godsman That was my son a month ago. I was horrified, but at least he’s spelling. Fortunately his name has the same amount of letters, so we tweak the spelling rhythm to go with his own name. Blippi is so awkward to me, but my son watches nothing else these days. Gotta love the songs though. Nicky Notes can craft some catchy tunes!
@moguy78 I just read that they had a falling out and stopped working together when Blippi moved to Nevada. Nicky Notes said he’s willing to work with Blippi again if he gets a better contract. I bet! All of his songs belong to Blippi. It’s a shame. They’re good kid songs and some of the lyrics crack me up. I hope Nicky Notes, AKA Kyle Bain, finds something better because he actually seems pretty talented. Blippi’s only real talent is branding and brainwashing.

Sorry...I have strong feelings about this. I may need to get a life. Lol.
@jason12685 My kid watched Blippi for two years. Then he found Ryan. His dad said NOPE, so i told my kid that Ryan is junk and he surprisingly started removing Ryan from his YouTube. He's four now and been watching Blippi since he was 1. He's back to watching Blippi now and I actually appreciate how educative he can be (not perfectly). But so, so much better than Ryan!!
@david150 I actually quite like Blippi, my son has learned so much from him, I just wish there was a British version. Like instead of a garbage truck song, I need a Bin Lorry song.

bin lorries, bin lorries,
driving through the town,
leaving rubbish on the ground,
bin lorries
@webstranger I agree, that would be awesome. Blippi calls a weed whacker a weed eater, we don't call it a weed eater. I explain to my son we all call things differently. Although I find that so weird lol
@david150 Are you me? My kiddo just got back to blippi after we banned Ryan. My son started expecting toys every day and I’m like uh no we aren’t doing this. Also moms laugh is hella annoying. I do like some of his stuff when they make things out of cardboard, but other than that noooo thank you... back to blippi it is.
@david150 Yea, I'm in the midst of brainwashing aka nagging my husband to play with his current toys, instead of buying new ones. Send me energy lol