My(16f) mom doesn’t want me having sex or my bf(17m) in my room but asked if i wanted to go on BC and said she would get me a plan B if i need it

@lunalovesjesus First things first: Yes. Absolutely do go on birth control if you want to have sex. Sex even once, during your fertile window, can lead to pregnancy. Ideally, you take the pill or any other BC AND he uses a condom.

And I fully understand your mother. She doesn't want you to become teen parents and the only 100% safe option is to not have sex. Second best option is to make sure, you are well educated and are using birth control and have an option to get Plan B in case something goes wrong.

So while wants to let you know that she'd rather stop you from having sex, it's smart to also make sure the backup plan is in place. Because we've all been teenagers and we all know that there are ways around any rule if you really want to.

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