My(16f) mom doesn’t want me having sex or my bf(17m) in my room but asked if i wanted to go on BC and said she would get me a plan B if i need it

@lunalovesjesus Ladybug, syphilis is becoming a big problem. Do you want to be a mom at 16? Hiv/aids is real. Use condoms every single time and get on BC because condoms fail occasionally. Google STD's and see which one you'd like to have with a screaming baby every night. In the grand scheme of life sex at 16 is not worth it if you're not protected.
@lunalovesjesus BC and a condom is the best combination for safety and not getting pregnant.
4 times a month is definitely more than enough to warrant some kind of protection/ BC.
(Cause even one time is enough, honestly).

Well its not an extreme rule on your moms part, but the bed has to be an excuse XD, but tbh i wouldn't want to hear or be kept awake by people having sex in my own home either, no matter if its the home of the people doing too.

Either way, your mom is smart enough to know that just because it doesn't happen on your bed doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and thats a good thing, she seems to give good advice.
@lunalovesjesus Your mom sounds exactly like any normal mom, girl you better get on birth control asap! I wasn’t allowed to have boys in my room either and I’m thankful bc I definitely would have gotten pregnant for sure. Your mom sounds like a good and responsible mom, please listen to her.

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