I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

@1godsman We tried watching a few episodes and maybe we watched the wrong ones, but I didn't see what was so educational about it. Tbh I also don't understand the distinction between educational and entertainment tv. My husband claims Dora the Explorer is better than Baby Bus, but they both turn my 3yo into a tyrant when it's time to turn it off so it's kind of a wash to me
@emmiejoy Read the comments though, kids are learning all sorts of stuff from him. Everything from colors, numbers, types of vehicles (and who operates them and how they work), etc. It may not be educational in the sense there is a "lesson" in every episode, but he is definitely educating kids. My kid loves him, but we only allow a certain amount because if I have to listen to his "excavator" song one more time.....
@teeeecher1 I don’t know. It’s a grey line for me. If the only baseline for something being “educational” is that kids learn something then literally every experience, conversation, sight and toy would be considered educational. Which, I guess it is sort of. But there’s some super weird stuff about Blippi so you have to consider what else are kids “learning” besides catchy useless songs and parts of machines.
@emmiejoy Oh, the actor who plays blippi is totally weird, but kids love him because he's colorful, sings songs, teaches colors/numbers, etc. Obviously you can get that with many other shows, but I actually like that he uses real life things to show/explain. My son will always point to garbage trucks, fire trucks, white trucks, big trucks, etc while we're driving. Trust me, Blippi is not my first choice, but my son has definitely expanded his vocabulary because of him.
@teeeecher1 I just wish there was more substance than machines and industrial type stuff. There is more to life! you know? Edit: I guess I haven't seen all the Blippi, looks like he has some animal stuff too.
@emmiejoy There is definitely more than just trucks/machines, but that's just want my son is into. He goes to a baseball stadium, aquariums, the beach, chocolate factory, bakeries, educational centers, etc. He covers quite a bit. And again, one reason I do like him is because he actually goes to these places, not just talks about them, so I feel it's more engaging for the kids to see
@teeeecher1 I'd agree with the other commenter that it's a grey line. Some of the videos are great. I like the spaceship one where he does his name upside down and just rolls with it. Not everything is perfect in life and it's okay to make mistakes.

But the one where they wash the truck and just throw flour at it and ketchup and hot sauce... It's just chaos for chaos sake. From my recollection he never says "don't do this at home!" He just acts like a wacko.

He's not terrible. But he's definitely not my favorite.
@1godsman I.... might stick with Mr Rogers and Daniel tiger... Although my son (almost 3) has been obsessed with Andre Rieu for the last 2 months, lol