I have too much on my plate


New member

Have a 2 year old and a 9 month old.
First of all, we’re going on a cruise this summer and my parents and brother’s family are coming too. My mom is INSISTENT that my toddler and my nephew (2) are both potty trained by then so they can go in the pool (no swim diapers allowed). I am willing to try but my daughter isn’t ready yet. She can go swimming in the ocean. But my mom is saying I need to try harder. Ok, whatever.

I have mastitis. Just started antibiotics. Was in immense discomfort all weekend. My son has a mysterious rash on his face that won’t go away even with two doctors visits and multiple medications. He isn’t sleeping well and is biting me during nursing.

My husband is in the process of getting medically retired from his job and we have no idea when its going to happen and where we will live after this. He’s doing constant job interviews as well as doctor’s visits related to his conditions. I can’t even talk about this to my family because we haven’t told anyone yet, our families tend to overstep boundaries related to stuff like this and we just don’t want to deal with the unsolicited opinions until we have firm answers.

I hate our dog. He’s a stubborn breed and doesn’t listen for shit. He plays too rough around the kids. Today he wouldn’t stop barking outside and wouldn’t listen to come inside. I tried to gesture him to come inside and he snarled at me. I tried to grab the back of his neck to gently pull him in the direction and he bit me, twice. I had to put a collar and leash on him and put him in his crate that way.

The laundry is piling up. The house is a mess. Need to figure out what to make for dinner. Need to finish the kids Easter baskets.

I have no village. I have no village. I have no village.
@atreides82 That's a lot on your plate. You sound overwhelmed.

First, the dog is a safety issue. Kids > pets. If the dog bit you, it could bite your kids. Dog needs a new home.

The stuff your husband is going through, unfortunately you won't know more until you know more. It's so hard to wait in limbo.

Laundry... just do the essentials. Do what you can do, and do anything damp so it doesn't grow mold, and just know you will catch up eventually.

Your kids are little, if the Easter baskets aren't perfect, they won't care.

Can you hire a one time house cleaning? Pick up some frozen meals from the store (frozen entre + frozen veggies = dinner)?

Right now you need to focus on your health and healing from Mastitis. Eating extra yogurt can help. If your son can also eat yogurt, it's great for him too!
@longbeard And if it doesn’t get folded, be ok with that. I literally have a giant basket for each of my kids for their clean laundry. I’m doing multiple loads a day and it feels like I only ever get more to do. Sure, my kids go through baskets or put it away unfolded, but at least the clothes are clean. It’s all the energy that I have, and that has to be good enough
@atreides82 Get rid of the dog.

Don't go on the cruise. No way a 9 month old will be potty trained. (ETA ok I misread, still having a 2yo potty trained is no easy task)

Easter baskets aren't that important, let's face it.

Make your home your serene place.

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