I have Group B Strep. :( Now what? Will this reduce/ruin my chances of a natural L&D?


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Like the title says...

Of course I've read up on the procedure for anti-biotics during labor, etc, but I'd like to hear from those who've dealt with this. How did it affect your labor? How did it affect your baby afterwards?
@hageeministries No effect on labor other than the penicillin burned going in so bad. No one told me this was a thing. It doesn't effect some people so you might get lucky, but the penicillin was cold and seriously hurt me more than my contractions. They had to dilute with saline.

No effect on the baby either btw.
@hageeministries It had no effect on delivering naturally at all. The Dr normally wants a Group B Strep patient to come in a little earlier to make sure they receive the meds in time. Other than that, my hospital kept me for an extra day for monitoring. I had never heard of that so I'm not sure if that is standard procedure for all hospitals.
@hageeministries I had antibiotics and meds because of a c-section and they didn't affect my baby. No thrush and no problems with my milk coming in or him nursing. Start taking probiotics to maybe help stave off thrush and other yeast infections though I've not looked to see if there is hard science behind that. IVs can suck but my nurse was a rock star and it never hurt.
@hageeministries Had no effect on me, still had a natural birth. Make sure they're running saline solution BEFORE the penicillin and make sure the ratio is pretty high with the saline:penicillin.

And when you feel your contractions are strong enough, go in the hospital. I waited too long and had Melody too soon so I had to stay in the hospital for three days.
@hageeministries I had an emergency induction, at first they wanted to run the antibiotics for an hour prior to inducing me (by breaking my water) but communicating with my doctors and running bloodwork took too long (I was bleeding heavily) so they ran the antibiotics and then induced me shortly after. Besides that, labor was not affected. Pay attention to your saline bag, once it gets close let your nurses know- straight penicillin burns so bad and it can also leave a crampy feeling in your hands so make sure to move your fingers. They ran two bags of penicillin right away as a loading dose and then another bag every 4 hours. They did keep Renee and I an extra day just to keep an eye on us due to the GBS. I delivered at 5:28am on a saturday, they got us up to our room by 8am ish and we were cleared for discharge by 8am monday, but I stayed until about noonish.
@hageeministries No problems at all an I didn't experience any burning that I can remember..but then again I wasn't focusing on burning sensations. I'm sure you'll be able to have as much of a natural L&d minus the medication. Good luck mama!
@hageeministries I had strep b, they didn't tell me until I went into labor. they hooked be up on an IV and I got the medicine but they had to give me a different medicine because I'm allergic to penicillin.
@chrams Wow, why didn't they tell you before? That's kind of messed up. I have also been told I am allergic to penicillin, so I have to have something different too. What did they give you, and how was it?
@hageeministries Honestly I forgot the name of it. I really didn't notice it was there. Also, I do think it made my epidural wear off because I got put on the maxium dose. (I was in labor for 2+ days and the epidural wasn't numbing me like it was suppose to.) After I was done with the medicine for strep B my legs got super numb.
@hageeministries I'm not sure why they didn't tell be before I was 37 weeks. maybe they tested me for it right there in the hospital because I hadn't been to my 37 week checkup I'm really not sure.

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