Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

@suzannel There’s some evidence that eating peanut products during pregnancy can increase the risk of severe peanut allergies later in life. So if there are peanut allergies in the family, they recommend avoiding them during pregnancy.
@romans116 I've heard opposite that eating nuts in pregnancy reduces risks of allergies. Honestly, eat what you want to eat and just make sure it's all from a reliable and safe source and you should be good. Actual odds of Listeria food poisoning is rare. Just keep up with recalls
@mizm I don't think I've ever read anything more true in my life. 😂 Now that the holidays are near I've seen so many posts saying things like "what should I get my 1yr old?" "Is $500 too much to spend on a 16month old for Christmas?" One of the groups I was in and quickly left was like a horrible highschool clique. The mods of the group were the mean girls, and they had their worker bees that would comment on every post telling them how great they were no matter how stupid or pointless their post was. No thanks lol.
@pdvd174 I love the "What should I get my kid?"

How should I know?? Especially when it's "Nothing that makes noise, requires batteries, or is made of plastic! Nothing branded, I hate it."

You pick stuff out, then.
@elijah3in1 Right?! Well it's need to be educational but can't be an electronic as we limit screen time but also it needs to be made by a company that has no ties to any companies that test on animals and I can only spend $20. The ones that really kill me though are people posting crap like my kid has a 103 fever should I give him/her Tylenol or take them to the hospital? It's like people have forgotten you don't actually need strangers to approve of your parental choices before you make them.
@mizm I actually LOLed reading this. So accurate it’s scary. Now I’m trying to figure out which mom I am........ (the one who brings wine to every event)
@mizm This is so bloody accurate. I got banned from mumsnet when I was pregnant. Bunch of bored housewives with nothing better to do.