Suggestions to reduce crying before sleep?

@katrina2017 It started very early, like your baby, and it lessened considerably by about 8-9 months but still happens for the occasional nap at 19 months. I think it’s because she’s mad that she’s tired and isn’t already sleeping
@francescapl Hello! Is this still going on for you? Mine is nearly 19 weeks and has been doing this since 14 weeks old. It’s so hard isn’t it!! The bouncy ball worked for a while for us but now she knows that’s where she goes to sleep and absolutely loses it when we sit on there (or step a foot into her nursery 😅).
@katrina2017 Hey! It was over and then I’m living it now a bit haha! She’s 23w now, 5m1w, and I remember it’s really the wake window. I think despite she’s yawning, rubbing her eyes, she needs another 5 mins awake. Sometimes she just want to be put down right away, though rare.
What I do, is when I first see the signs of sleep/hours awake nearly end, I’d hold her on my shoulder, walk around, then when she’s pissed, I switched to cradle position to get her to sleep.
These days when she fights is because she wants to lay down, and I’d lay down with her with my arms still under her head/neck. She sleeps better this way too.
@francescapl These baby’s are tricky to decode aren’t they! I’m finding the wake windows so tricky, I feel like I’ve tried all different variations with no success. Don’t want to wish away time this phase ends fairly soon as my back can’t take it much longer🤞