i don’t wanna pump anymore

@brandon_d As many others have said, 1-2oz after feeding is a lot! I would not recommend pumping after each feed. Your baby is getting what she needs from the breast and your supply will fluctuate to her needs. If you create an oversupply by pumping in addition to feeding, you can create other issues like clogged ducts and mastitis.

If you’re exclusively breast feeding, you only need to pump if you’re going to be away from your baby and need to give some milk to the person watching her. If you want to build up a bit of a stash for rainy days, I’d recommend doing 1 pump a day, usually in the morning, and storing that.

@omegastone thank you!!’ i didn’t realize i was pumping a lot and will keep in mind all the cons of pumping so much. i’m gonna try the 1 pump in the morning to relieve some comfort
@brandon_d I never used a “pump” at all. I would collect my letdown in a haakaa, and sometimes relieve the morning engorgement with the haakaa. But that was only for the first few months, to get some relief. I built a small stash of about 10 bags by doing that and only had to use a couple bags, the rest went into baby’s bath for some luxurious milk baths lol 🥰 to keep up your supply you just have to keep feeding on a regular basis? Which it sounds like you’re already doing?

Is breastfeeding going well for you & baby otherwise?
@evall i’ve seen SOOO many comments recommending the hakaa so i went ahead and bought one and im gonna receive it by tomorrow and im super excited to try it. i’ve seen comments that a lot of women would get more milk using the hakaa than when they are pumping after a feed. super interesting! i can’t wait to try the milk baths as well omg

otherwise! breastfeeding is going well for us
@brandon_d Your baby will only eat 1-2oz per feed at 2weeks. You being able to pump another 1-2oz after a feed is an oversupply. There's nothing wrong with that but you definitely don't need to up your supply! You're good! Feed the baby not the fridge.
@brandon_d Hardly pumped because nothing came out when I pumped. Took me 2 months to get the supply up by having the baby on my breasts a lot. Before that we did combo feeding and after that EBF. Baby’s 8+ months and perfectly healthy. So you can increase the supply just by nursing, a lot.
@brandon_d Yep and I don’t plan to stop unless baby wants to wean. Baby is eating solids well but we limit the carbs from solids, so the main source of nutrition is still breast milk.
@brandon_d If it's stressing you out, just leave it. You already have so much on you... don't need anything that just feels like a weight more.
You're a very brave and strong woman for enduring this all by yourself. I wish the very best for you and your baby on this new journey 🫂
@brandon_d I did this on accident and created an oversupply that caused me to get lots of clogs and blebs before I was able to figure my body and breastfeeding out. You don’t really need to pump if baby is fed and gaining weight. :)
@brandon_d I didn’t start pumping regularly until much later in our breastfeeding journey. And it really only became regular until I went back to work 4 months pp. keep in mind, you’re pumping AFTER baby has eaten which means there will be less in the breast to remove, but it’s importance that you’re removing it. You’re probably keeping yourself from getting a clogged duct because while as oz or two doesn’t look like a lot in a bottle, it’s a lot for your breasts to be holding after a feed.

All that being said… pumping sucks. So many mothers empathize with you on this. You ultimately have to do what’s best for you after weighing pros and cons. No one can tell you what the most correct thing to do is without being in your shoes themselves. I wish you luck, fellow mom. You’re doing great 😌
@tom2 wow thank you!!! i was relieving my breasts without even realizing it and this made me feel so much better. i’m gonna try pumping less and then eventually weening off pumping completely. however, now that I think about it definitely have noticed on a day where i didn’t pump as much that boobs are superrrrr full and uncomfortable.
i definitely am trying to see what works for me day to day! again, thanks for the wishes
@brandon_d The first 2 months can be so hard. I was doing breastfeeding and pumping all throughout the day. My baby was also very small and he had issues latching.

Here are two things that changed my life: you can reuse your pump parts throughout the day by putting them into the fridge, and wearable pumping cups are fantastic because they fit into your bra and shirt so you don't have stuff hanging off you.

Pump cups: Idaho Jones Breast Milk Collection Cups 2 X 24mm | Breastmilk Collection Cups with Silicone Flanges | Pump-A-Collect | Hands Free Collection Cups Breastfeeding (Freemie, Spectra, Caracup, Legendairy) https://a.co/d/hXHHjOX
@godsu i literally had no idea i can put the parts into the fridge!! i’ve seen others recommend that and im gonna try that before completely weening off pumping. also will try a wearable pump and the hakaa just to see what works for me. thank you for the link!! i’m gonna look into this
@brandon_d If it's any encouragement..
I am a week and a half shy of 4 months in.. doing it all on my own.. plus I have one breast that produces milk..so I have to work extra hard to get enough milk ..
I don't have friends or family that come by.. living off my savings..dad bailed last minute..
And I am caring for two needy little dogs ..
Before you throw vin the towel.. just know we are strong enough..
I get it so much.. there are days when it's vso dark for me.. honestly it's mostly the loneliness.. but I just take it day to day..
My first goal was to make it to 4 months ..then 6 months.. then I'll go from there 😌
Good luck Mama.. no matter what you choose.. you're strong ❤️