@panictopeace I am SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU. So proud.
Let me tell you about my amazing sister.
She married a man that we all disliked... very strongly. She carried the weight of everything - his emotions, his happiness, his anger, everything. She would leave family events within minutes of showing up bc he would get pissy and fake a headache. He would lock her out of the house if he got mad. He convinced her that he would become an Imagineer of they could only move across the country the house of the mouse, so she left everyone she knew and moved (he had no education or experience and couldn't get a job once they were there). He couldn't hold down a job for more than a year bc "everyone was out to get him."
They were so broke, she couldn't afford to refill her birth control pill, so, bam. 9 months later, baby.
I could go on, but you get the picture.
Finally, FINALLY, finally, she did it. Her child was almost 3 and she just couldn't take it anymore. She had daily panic attacks, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't function. He threatened to hurt himself if she left, but she did it. And it was hard. He was so angry. SO ANGRY. He wasn't abusive, he was misunderstood. He wasn't angry, she was nagging. It was all her fault.
Slowly, ever so slowly, she built herself back up. She accepted help from people (therapist, me, our parents, friends that he had pushed away...) and she crawled back out of that hole. Went back to school and made friends. Met someone new.
Now, 10 years after she was brave enough to leave, she's THRIVING. She has a husband who loves her, cherishes her and her kiddo, and treats her like gold. We adore him. Ex still sucks hardcore and co-parenting has been rough, but she's happy.
I am telling you this because there is light at the end of this for you, bromo. You are so fucking brave, even if you don't feel it. Courage isn't always a roar - sometimes it's quietly saying "enough" and walking away.