I am team crib til college. Change my mind

@neverbeenalone Same!!! One day when the baby was sick she didn’t want to sleep in her crib so we let her sleep on her play couch. The next day she was feeling better and asked for it again and we were like well why not? She didn’t nap at allllllll! Back to the crib for you baby.

She is 5th percentile for height so we probably have another few years lol.
Commenting again to say my toddler is apparently reading my Reddit because my husband just told me he saw her put her leg over the side of her crib 😭 so we are transitioning tonight 😭
@neverbeenalone I’m team crib too. My son is two and hasn’t yet tried to climb out. So many accidents happen because of kids in bed wander about the house and get into trouble. Once my kiddo has a bed he will have a baby gate on the door and we already have the stairs done for our dog. I don’t want the risk of him being hurt or destroying the bathroom products and finding a carefully painted moisturizer masterpiece on the hallway wall. His crib doubles as a bed so it’s huge currently for him. Suitable up until 4-5 I think.
@neverbeenalone My kid turns 5 in February…still in a crib. Part of its space, he likes it and doesn’t climb out.
We are looking at getting him a bed for his birthday present but there are so many choices it’s overwhelming. Size, storage, trundle, frame, headboard it’s overwhelming
@neverbeenalone My son turned 3 in early Nov and is 97cm (bit over 38inches for the Americans).
He is still in the cot and I have no plans to move him until he asks. He has never shown a single interest in climbing out. Leaving him in there means he gets consistent high quality naps and sleep which is one of the most important things for growth and development.
Sleeping in a bed isn’t a developmental milestone.
@neverbeenalone I couldn’t wait to get rid of the crib, my son started climbing out around 15 months. I tried the sleep sack for awhile, but he eventually figured out how to wiggle out of it. He is now in a twin bed, there is a bed rail on one side and some euro pillows on the other in case he falls out, he has done wonderful in it. He sleeps longer, and when he does wake up he grabs some toys crawls into his bed and plays with them quietly. There is a little ottoman that he uses to climb on to his bed. He is 2 years old.
@neverbeenalone Almost 2 and still going strong. No end in sight. I also plan to keep her in until she starts climbing out. She’s probably almost 35 inches but 😑she’s never shown ANY signs of trying to get out. She LOVES being in her crib and when she wakes up happily rolls around and plays with her lovey. She wears a sleep sack. I’ve never seen ANY indication she’s even considered crawling out.
@neverbeenalone Yeah, if she’s not trying to crawl out, and isn’t 35 inches, you’re golden.

My children are freakishly tall so that skews my age / height perception, sorry. (Like when my oldest turned 3 he was about 43 or more inches)
@neverbeenalone I don’t know where everyone is getting 35 inches from but maybe measure yours first. My son is 35 inches and the rail is only to his arm pits. There’s no way he can fall over it.
@neverbeenalone Mine is 2 years 8 months and my friend made me seem like we were way behind in keeping him in the crib still :/ but he loves it and sleeps well! I don’t want to mess anything up
@neverbeenalone Our son has always been the best sleeper. He would nap well in the day and go straight down at night no problem and sleep through. Until we swapped him into a toddler bed. Now it can take a few hours for him to go to sleep. I say hold off as long as you can!