I am team crib til college. Change my mind

@neverbeenalone My MIL was asking me this weekend if we were planning on getting a toddler bed for my 15 month old soon. I told her not until he started trying to climb out, and I'm hoping it'll be a long time before that happens. But he is a climber, so I'm guessing it will happen sooner rather than later.
@neverbeenalone LO is 20mo and I put her in a sleep sack every time she goes in her crib with the intent that she can’t really stand and walk, let alone try to crawl out. I can’t fathom the amount of baby proofing I would have to do in her room if she was in a bed that she could get out of. Hoping to keep her in the crib at least until 3.
@neverbeenalone Same! Her crib converts to a toddler bed so the only difference is I’ll be removing one side when the time comes, so she fits in it with plenty of room. We share a room and the crib is positioned so if she tried to crawl out she’d just fall onto the bed anyway lol she’s 3 and still loves her crib.
@neverbeenalone We kept our oldest in until his 3rd birthday. He was starting to get too long, so we switched to a big bed. It was definitely difficult to switch and I would have kept him in longer if I could have. Our youngest is 2.5 and he’s shorter than his brother, so I hope we can keep him there longer.

Neither of my kids ever tried to climb out.
@neverbeenalone Wow. My son was crawled out for the first time at 15 months and went in and out a couple times until I switched. He actually crawled downstairs by himself and found me feeding his brother lol. I tried the sleep sack advice which would work if it deterred climbing but for a kid who climbs anyway it's a slip hazard. It was a lot of anxiety and my only regret switching to a bed was not doing it sooner.
@neverbeenalone We did this. My kid is tall so she climbed out last month, a couple months short of her third birthday, and we converted then. We’re still working on keeping her in bed lol.
@neverbeenalone 1.0 was in a crib till his baby brother was born when he was a month shy of 3. He went straight to a queen size bed. 2.0 was in a crib till he tried to climb out a little after he turned 3. Both kids are super short, and I was hoping to keep them in the crib forever.
@neverbeenalone We kept her in crib until almost 3 when she actually started to climb out. That was when the problems started, haha.

But yeah, crib as long as you can. Mine loved her crib, it was her safe space.
@neverbeenalone We were team crib, but then she started trying to get out before she even turned 2, lol. We bought her a mattress and have it on the floor now. No bedframe until she's a bit bigger and not popping off the end like a fish.
@taznq15 Don’t be scared. Transitioned mine to a floor bed at 8 months and it was the best decision ever. If I ever have a second child, I won’t even bother with a crib. I’m team Floor bed from birth! Kind of shocked at all the people who keep their kids in cribs for a long time
@taznq15 We transitioned to a floor bed at 15 months and it went fine. I don’t really understand the pros of the ‘crib til college’ side but I like what we did. Now that kiddo is potty trained she can just get up and use the little potty in her room in the middle of the night without waking anyone. It’s also nice to be able to lay in her bed with her when she’s having trouble sleeping or sick. Also My best LPT is to lay in her bed when we play and she’ll tuck me in and create various games and I basically get to relax the whole time. It’s also way easier when we travel bc the limits on pack n plays are even lower than full cribs. Also she loves to have all her stuffie sand blankets and pillow and that wouldn’t be possible with a crib.