I’m tired

@esterrubi Omg I’ve never heard this before now and I am 100% understanding you. It is so difficult. Sometimes I’ll put an earplug in my ear just so that I can quiet down some of the noise. I love my kiddos but being neurodivergent is extremely difficult on it’s own already now add two toddlers. Wowzers.
Lots of hugs and love to you.
@ira24 And big love to you! I love the term neurospicy. Much more interesting.

I’m already very deaf. So it’s like an inbuilt filter. It helps.

But hoooooo am I touched out!

Biggest issue is I start having panic attacks at 5pm if they are not around. Fun times!
@eaglehaze My friend, who also has small kids, and me felt like this yesterday. We just want to go away for a few days and be ourselves and just do what we want and have or own place to ourselves. For a few days though, not forever. I think it's common to feel like you feel once in a while. Most people just hold their breath and wait for the kids to get a bit older and then it gets easier, others try to get their partners more involved.
@eaglehaze I feel unbelievably lucky to have a job where I leave my life every week for 2-3 days (flight attendant). Your desire to check out is completely understandable and don’t ever let anyone make you feel like it isn’t.
@eaglehaze I leave.

My kids will be 10 this year and I don't think I would have survived if I didn't just go to my mom's house for a weekend alone every now and then. Sometimes it is planned and sometimes it's a quick decision after a stressful week, where I let my SO know I need a little break. A nice, long, hot shower and some food that I didn't have to cook myself always makes me feel better.

The stuff is waiting for me when I get home and I'm much better at handling it when my head is clear.
@sadboi I wish I had that option. Would really like to be able to leave the kids with the husband and I have tried that in the past with a work visit but they were much smaller and not as clingy to me.
@eaglehaze I can't tell you the # of times I've begged my Dr to literally send me away somewhere!! That was probably the 1st year or so. The twins are 7 now & I have a 16 yr old as well. I'd still like to get away, sometimes, lol!
@eaglehaze Yes, I’m 13 weeks in and I always think “what have I done!?” Why did I think this would be rainbows and sunshine? I feel guilty for thinking of being care free but it is totally normal. This is a hard thing we’re doing that is all consuming.
@eaglehaze Yes. I totally feel this at times. It is a lot. The more I allow myself to recognize this and actually feel the challenge and not expect myself to feel otherwise while being patient with myself, it eases up. I anticipate some sense of tired, overwhelm, or just wanting to be alone for some time to come. I've got you. Totally normal, definitely not alone!