@marialavender 7 weeks into having my baby wa s probably one of the worst places I’ve been in my life. I had a really difficult infant too - at night me and my husband would wear noise cancelling headphones and pass the baby back and forth for hours and hours. I had really bad anxiety too and remember thinking we had made a huge mistake we could never take back.
For us it got SO much better at 3 months. He just seemed to hate the world a whole lot less and started smiling at us which was super cute. He’s 8 months now and while he’s still not what I would call an easy baby, we’re universes away where we were.
If I can suggest anything, get support any way you can. I joined an online moms support group for postpartum mood disorders and it’s been really great. I also got on meds which for me has been a game changer - I’ve had severe anxiety for a long time but no longer was able to manage without meds. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
I hope you can hang in there and get any support you think would be helpful. You’re not a bad mom, just human. So many people have been through this even if they don’t talk about it.
For us it got SO much better at 3 months. He just seemed to hate the world a whole lot less and started smiling at us which was super cute. He’s 8 months now and while he’s still not what I would call an easy baby, we’re universes away where we were.
If I can suggest anything, get support any way you can. I joined an online moms support group for postpartum mood disorders and it’s been really great. I also got on meds which for me has been a game changer - I’ve had severe anxiety for a long time but no longer was able to manage without meds. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
I hope you can hang in there and get any support you think would be helpful. You’re not a bad mom, just human. So many people have been through this even if they don’t talk about it.